mathlib documentation




We define sheaves on a topological space, with values in an arbitrary category.

The sheaf condition for a F : presheaf C X requires that the morphism F.obj U ⟶ ∏ F.obj (U i) (where U is some open set which is the union of the U i) is the equalizer of the two morphisms ∏ F.obj (U i) ⟶ ∏ F.obj (U i) ⊓ (U j).

We provide the instance category (sheaf C X) as the full subcategory of presheaves, and the fully faithful functor sheaf.forget : sheaf C X ⥤ presheaf C X.

The product of the sections of a presheaf over a family of open sets.


The product of the sections of a presheaf over the pairwise intersections of a family of open sets.


The morphism Π F.obj (U i) ⟶ Π F.obj (U i) ⊓ (U j) whose components are given by the restriction maps from U i to U i ⊓ U j.


The morphism Π F.obj (U i) ⟶ Π F.obj (U i) ⊓ (U j) whose components are given by the restriction maps from U j to U i ⊓ U j.


The morphism F.obj U ⟶ Π F.obj (U i) whose components are given by the restriction maps from U j to U i ⊓ U j.


The restriction map F.obj U ⟶ Π F.obj (U i) gives a cone over the equalizer diagram for the sheaf condition. The sheaf condition asserts this cone is a limit cone.

def Top.​sheaf_condition {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] [category_theory.limits.has_products C] {X : Top} :
Top.presheaf C XType (max u (v+1))

The sheaf condition for a F : presheaf C X requires that the morphism F.obj U ⟶ ∏ F.obj (U i) (where U is some open set which is the union of the U i) is the equalizer of the two morphisms ∏ F.obj (U i) ⟶ ∏ F.obj (U i) ⊓ (U j).


The presheaf valued in punit over any topological space is a sheaf.

structure Top.​sheaf (C : Type u) [category_theory.category C] [category_theory.limits.has_products C] :
TopType (max u (v+1))

A sheaf C X is a presheaf of objects from C over a (bundled) topological space X, satisfying the sheaf condition.