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Path connectedness

Main definitions

In the file the unit interval [0, 1] in is denoted by I, and X is a topological space.

Then there are corresponding relative notions for F : set X.

 Main theorems

One can link the absolute and relative version in two directions, using (univ : set X) or the subtype ↥F.

For locally path connected spaces, we have

Implementation notes

By default, all paths have I as their source and X as their target, but there is an operation I_extend that will extend any continuous map γ : I → X into a continuous map I_extend γ : ℝ → X that is constant before 0 and after 1.

This is used to define path.extend that turns γ : path x y into a continuous map γ.extend : ℝ → X whose restriction to I is the original γ, and is equal to x on (-∞, 0] and to y on [1, +∞).

The unit interval

theorem Icc_zero_one_symm {t : } :
t set.Icc 0 1 1 - t set.Icc 0 1


theorem coe_I_zero  :
0 = 0

def I_has_one  :

theorem coe_I_one  :
1 = 1

def I_symm  :
(set.Icc 0 1)(set.Icc 0 1)

Unit interval central symmetry.

theorem I_symm_zero  :
I_symm 0 = 1

theorem I_symm_one  :
I_symm 1 = 0

def proj_I  :
(set.Icc 0 1)

Projection of onto its unit interval.

theorem proj_I_I {t : } (h : t set.Icc 0 1) :
proj_I t = t, h⟩

def I_extend {β : Type u_1} :
((set.Icc 0 1) → β) → β

Extension of a function defined on the unit interval to , by precomposing with the projection.

theorem continuous.​I_extend {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {f : (set.Icc 0 1) → X} :

theorem I_extend_extends {β : Type u_3} (f : (set.Icc 0 1) → β) {t : } (ht : t set.Icc 0 1) :
I_extend f t = f t, ht⟩

theorem I_extend_zero {β : Type u_3} (f : (set.Icc 0 1) → β) :
I_extend f 0 = f 0

theorem I_extend_one {β : Type u_3} (f : (set.Icc 0 1) → β) :
I_extend f 1 = f 1

theorem I_extend_range {β : Type u_3} (f : (set.Icc 0 1) → β) :


structure path {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] :
X → X → Type u_1

Continuous path connecting two points x and y in a topological space

def path.​has_coe_to_fun {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} :

theorem path.​continuous {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} (γ : path x y) :

theorem path.​source {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} (γ : path x y) :
γ 0 = x

theorem path.​target {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} (γ : path x y) :
γ 1 = y

def path.​refl {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] (x : X) :
path x x

The constant path from a point to itself

def path.​symm {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} :
path x ypath y x

The reverse of a path from x to y, as a path from y to x

def path.​extend {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} :
path x y → X

A continuous map extending a path to , constant before 0 and after 1.

theorem path.​continuous_extend {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} (γ : path x y) :

theorem path.​extend_zero {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} (γ : path x y) :
γ.extend 0 = x

theorem path.​extend_one {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} (γ : path x y) :
γ.extend 1 = y

def path.​of_line {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} {f : → X} :
continuous_on f (set.Icc 0 1)f 0 = xf 1 = ypath x y

The path obtained from a map defined on by restriction to the unit interval.

theorem path.​of_line_mem {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} {f : → X} (hf : continuous_on f (set.Icc 0 1)) (h₀ : f 0 = x) (h₁ : f 1 = y) (t : (set.Icc 0 1)) :
(path.of_line hf h₀ h₁) t f '' set.Icc 0 1

def path.​trans {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y z : X} :
path x ypath y zpath x z

Concatenation of two paths from x to y and from y to z, putting the first path on [0, 1/2] and the second one on [1/2, 1].

def path.​map {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} (γ : path x y) {Y : Type u_2} [topological_space Y] {f : X → Y} :
continuous fpath (f x) (f y)

Image of a path from x to y by a continuous map

theorem path.​map_coe {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} (γ : path x y) {Y : Type u_2} [topological_space Y] {f : X → Y} (h : continuous f) :
(γ.map h) = f γ

def path.​cast {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} (γ : path x y) {x' y' : X} :
x' = xy' = ypath x' y'

Casting a path from x to y to a path from x' to y' when x' = x and y' = y

theorem path.​cast_coe {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} (γ : path x y) {x' y' : X} (hx : x' = x) (hy : y' = y) :
(γ.cast hx hy) = γ

Being joined by a path

def joined {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] :
X → X → Prop

The relation "being joined by a path". This is an equivalence relation.

theorem joined.​refl {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] (x : X) :
joined x x

def joined.​some_path {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} :
joined x ypath x y

When two points are joined, choose some path from x to y.

theorem joined.​symm {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} :
joined x yjoined y x

theorem joined.​trans {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y z : X} :
joined x yjoined y zjoined x z

def path_setoid (X : Type u_1) [topological_space X] :

The setoid corresponding the equivalence relation of being joined by a continuous path.

def zeroth_homotopy (X : Type u_1) [topological_space X] :
Type u_1

The quotient type of points of a topological space modulo being joined by a continuous path.


Being joined by a path inside a set

def joined_in {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] :
set XX → X → Prop

The relation "being joined by a path in F". Not quite an equivalence relation since it's not reflexive for points that do not belong to F.

theorem joined_in.​mem {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} {F : set X} :
joined_in F x yx F y F

theorem joined_in.​source_mem {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} {F : set X} :
joined_in F x yx F

theorem joined_in.​target_mem {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} {F : set X} :
joined_in F x yy F

def joined_in.​some_path {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} {F : set X} :
joined_in F x ypath x y

When x and y are joined in F, choose a path from x to y inside F

theorem joined_in.​some_path_mem {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} {F : set X} (h : joined_in F x y) (t : (set.Icc 0 1)) :

theorem joined_in.​joined_subtype {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} {F : set X} (h : joined_in F x y) :
joined x, _⟩ y, _⟩

If x and y are joined in the set F, then they are joined in the subtype F.

theorem joined_in.​of_line {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} {F : set X} {f : → X} :
continuous_on f (set.Icc 0 1)f 0 = xf 1 = yf '' set.Icc 0 1 Fjoined_in F x y

theorem joined_in.​joined {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} {F : set X} :
joined_in F x yjoined x y

theorem joined_in_iff_joined {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} {F : set X} (x_in : x F) (y_in : y F) :
joined_in F x y joined x, x_in⟩ y, y_in⟩

theorem joined_in_univ {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} :

theorem joined_in.​mono {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} {U V : set X} :
joined_in U x yU Vjoined_in V x y

theorem joined_in.​refl {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x : X} {F : set X} :
x Fjoined_in F x x

theorem joined_in.​symm {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} {F : set X} :
joined_in F x yjoined_in F y x

theorem joined_in.​trans {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y z : X} {F : set X} :
joined_in F x yjoined_in F y zjoined_in F x z

Path component

def path_component {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] :
X → set X

The path component of x is the set of points that can be joined to x.

theorem mem_path_component_self {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] (x : X) :

theorem path_component.​nonempty {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] (x : X) :

theorem mem_path_component_of_mem {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} :

theorem path_component_symm {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} :

theorem path_component_congr {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} :

def path_component_in {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] :
X → set Xset X

The path component of x in F is the set of points that can be joined to x in F.


theorem joined.​mem_path_component {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y z : X} :

Path connected sets

def is_path_connected {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] :
set X → Prop

A set F is path connected if it contains a point that can be joined to all other in F.

theorem is_path_connected_iff_eq {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {F : set X} :
is_path_connected F ∃ (x : X) (H : x F), path_component_in x F = F

theorem is_path_connected.​joined_in {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {F : set X} (h : is_path_connected F) (x y : X) :
x Fy Fjoined_in F x y

theorem is_path_connected_iff {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {F : set X} :
is_path_connected F F.nonempty ∀ (x y : X), x Fy Fjoined_in F x y

theorem is_path_connected.​image {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {F : set X} {Y : Type u_2} [topological_space Y] (hF : is_path_connected F) {f : X → Y} :

theorem is_path_connected.​mem_path_component {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x y : X} {F : set X} :
is_path_connected Fx Fy Fy path_component x

theorem is_path_connected.​subset_path_component {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x : X} {F : set X} :

theorem is_path_connected.​union {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {U V : set X} :

theorem is_path_connected.​preimage_coe {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {U W : set X} :

If a set W is path-connected, then it is also path-connected when seen as a set in a smaller ambient type U (when U contains W).

Path connected spaces

structure path_connected_space (X : Type u_4) [topological_space X] :

A topological space is path-connected if it is non-empty and every two points can be joined by a continuous path.


Use path-connectedness to build a path between two points.


Locally path connected spaces

structure loc_path_connected_space (X : Type u_4) [topological_space X] :

A topological space is locally path connected, at every point, path connected neighborhoods form a neighborhood basis.

theorem loc_path_connected_of_bases {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {ι : Type u_2} {p : ι → Prop} {s : X → ι → set X} :
(∀ (x : X), (nhds x).has_basis p (s x))(∀ (x : X) (i : ι), p iis_path_connected (s x i))loc_path_connected_space X

theorem path_connected_subset_basis {X : Type u_1} [topological_space X] {x : X} [loc_path_connected_space X] {U : set X} :
is_open Ux U(nhds x).has_basis (λ (s : set X), s nhds x is_path_connected s s U) id