mathlib documentation



Categorical images

We define the categorical image of f as a factorisation f = e ≫ m through a monomorphism m, so that m factors through the m' in any other such factorisation.

Main definitions

Main statements

Future work

structure category_theory.​limits.​mono_factorisation {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y : C} :
(X Y)Type (max u v)

A factorisation of a morphism f = e ≫ m, with m monic.

The obvious factorisation of a monomorphism through itself.


The morphism m in a factorisation f = e ≫ m through a monomorphism is uniquely determined.

structure category_theory.​limits.​is_image {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y : C} {f : X Y} :

Data exhibiting that a given factorisation through a mono is initial.

The trivial factorisation of a monomorphism satisfies the universal property.


Two factorisations through monomorphisms satisfying the universal property must factor through isomorphic objects.


Any other factorisation of the morphism f through a monomorphism receives a map from the image.


An equation between morphisms gives a comparison map between the images (which momentarily we prove is an iso).


As long as the category has equalizers, the image inclusion maps commute with image.eq_to_iso.

The two step comparison map image (f ≫ (g ≫ h)) ⟶ image (g ≫ h) ⟶ image h agrees with the one step comparison map image (f ≫ (g ≫ h)) ≅ image ((f ≫ g) ≫ h) ⟶ image h.


An image map is a morphism image f → image g fitting into a commutative square and satisfying the obvious commutativity conditions.


The identity image f ⟶ image f fits into the commutative square represented by the identity morphism 𝟙 f in the arrow category.


The functor from the arrow category of C to C itself that maps a morphism to its image and a commutative square to the induced morphism on images.

structure category_theory.​limits.​strong_epi_mono_factorisation {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y : C} :
(X Y)Type (max u v)

A strong epi-mono factorisation is a decomposition f = e ≫ m with e a strong epimorphism and m a monomorphism.


A category has strong epi-mono factorisations if every morphism admits a strong epi-mono factorisation.


A category has strong epi images if it has all images and factor_thru_image f is a strong epimorphism for all f.


A category with strong epi images has image maps. The construction is taken from Borceux, Handbook of Categorical Algebra 1, Proposition 4.4.5.


If C has strong epi mono factorisations, then the image is unique up to isomorphism, in that if f factors as a strong epi followed by a mono, this factorisation is essentially the image factorisation.
