mathlib documentation



lift tactic

This file defines the lift tactic, allowing the user to lift elements from one type to another under a specified condition.


lift, tactic

structure can_lift  :
Type uType vType (max u v)

A class specifying that you can lift elements from α to β assuming cond is true. Used by the tactic lift.


def pi.​can_lift (ι : Type u) (α : ι → Type v) (β : ι → Type w) [Π (i : ι), can_lift (α i) (β i)] :
can_lift (Π (i : ι), α i) (Π (i : ι), β i)

Enable automatic handling of pi types in can_lift.

meta def tactic.​lift  :

Lift the expression p to the type t, with proof obligation given by h. The list n is used for the two newly generated names, and to specify whether h should remain in the local context. See the doc string of tactic.interactive.lift for more information.

Lift an expression to another type.

Lift an expression to another type.

  • Usage: 'lift' expr 'to' expr ('using' expr)? ('with' id (id id?)?)?.
  • If n : ℤ and hn : n ≥ 0 then the tactic lift n to ℕ using hn creates a new constant of type , also named n and replaces all occurrences of the old variable (n : ℤ) with ↑n (where n in the new variable). It will remove n and hn from the context.
    • So for example the tactic lift n to ℕ using hn transforms the goal n : ℤ, hn : n ≥ 0, h : P n ⊢ n = 3 to n : ℕ, h : P ↑n ⊢ ↑n = 3 (here P is some term of type ℤ → Prop).
  • The argument using hn is optional, the tactic lift n to ℕ does the same, but also creates a new subgoal that n ≥ 0 (where n is the old variable).
    • So for example the tactic lift n to ℕ transforms the goal n : ℤ, h : P n ⊢ n = 3 to two goals n : ℕ, h : P ↑n ⊢ ↑n = 3 and n : ℤ, h : P n ⊢ n ≥ 0.
  • You can also use lift n to ℕ using e where e is any expression of type n ≥ 0.
  • Use lift n to ℕ with k to specify the name of the new variable.
  • Use lift n to ℕ with k hk to also specify the name of the equality ↑k = n. In this case, n will remain in the context. You can use rfl for the name of hk to substitute n away (i.e. the default behavior).
  • You can also use lift e to ℕ with k hk where e is any expression of type . In this case, the hk will always stay in the context, but it will be used to rewrite e in all hypotheses and the target.
    • So for example the tactic lift n + 3 to ℕ using hn with k hk transforms the goal n : ℤ, hn : n + 3 ≥ 0, h : P (n + 3) ⊢ n + 3 = 2 * n to the goal n : ℤ, k : ℕ, hk : ↑k = n + 3, h : P ↑k ⊢ ↑k = 2 * n.
  • The tactic lift n to ℕ using h will remove h from the context. If you want to keep it, specify it again as the third argument to with, like this: lift n to ℕ using h with n rfl h.
  • More generally, this can lift an expression from α to β assuming that there is an instance of can_lift α β. In this case the proof obligation is specified by can_lift.cond.
  • Given an instance can_lift β γ, it can also lift α → β to α → γ; more generally, given β : Π a : α, Type*, γ : Π a : α, Type*, and [Π a : α, can_lift (β a) (γ a)], it automatically generates an instance can_lift (Π a, β a) (Π a, γ a).

lift is in some sense dual to the zify tactic. lift (z : ℤ) to ℕ will change the type of an integer z (in the supertype) to (the subtype), given a proof that z ≥ 0; propositions concerning z will still be over . zify changes propositions about (the subtype) to propositions about (the supertype), without changing the type of any variable.