mathlib documentation



The extended reals [-∞, ∞].

This file defines ereal, the real numbers together with a top and bottom element, referred to as ⊤ and ⊥. It is implemented as with_top (with_bot ℝ)

Addition and multiplication are problematic in the presence of ±∞, but negation has a natural definition and satisfies the usual properties. An addition is derived, but ereal is not even a monoid (there is no identity).

ereal is a complete_lattice; this is now deduced by type class inference from the fact that with_top (with_bot L) is a complete lattice if L is a conditionally complete lattice.


real, ereal, complete lattice


abs : ereal → ennreal

In Isabelle they define + - * and / (making junk choices for things like -∞ + ∞) and then prove whatever bits of the ordered ring/field axioms still hold. They also do some limits stuff (liminf/limsup etc). See




def ereal  :

ereal : The type [-∞, ∞]

theorem ereal.​coe_real_le {x y : } :
x y x y

theorem ereal.​coe_real_lt {x y : } :
x < y x < y

theorem ereal.​coe_real_inj' {x y : } :
x = y x = y

def ereal.​neg  :

negation on ereal


theorem ereal.​neg_def (x : ) :

theorem ereal.​neg_neg (a : ereal) :
--a = a
  • -a = a on ereal
theorem ereal.​neg_inj (a b : ereal) :
-a = -ba = b

theorem ereal.​neg_eq_iff_neg_eq {a b : ereal} :
-a = b -b = a

Even though ereal is not an additive group, -a = b ↔ -b = a still holds

theorem ereal.​neg_le_of_neg_le {a b : ereal} :
-a b-b a

if -a ≤ b then -b ≤ a on ereal

theorem ereal.​neg_le {a b : ereal} :
-a b -b a

-a ≤ b ↔ -b ≤ a on ereal

theorem ereal.​le_neg_of_le_neg {a b : ereal} :
a -bb -a

a ≤ -b → b ≤ -a on ereal