mathlib documentation



Functors between the category of tuples of types, and the category Type


mvfunctor n : the type class of multivariate functors f <$$> x : notation for map

structure mvfunctor {n : } :
(typevec nType u_2)Type (max (u_1+1) u_2)
  • map : Π {α β : typevec n}, α.arrow βF αF β

multivariate functors, i.e. functor between the category of type vectors and the category of Type

def mvfunctor.​liftp {n : } {F : typevec nType v} [mvfunctor F] {α : typevec n} :
(Π (i : fin2 n), α i → Prop)F α → Prop

predicate lifting over multivariate functors

def mvfunctor.​liftr {n : } {F : typevec nType v} [mvfunctor F] {α : typevec n} :
(Π {i : fin2 n}, α iα i → Prop)F αF α → Prop

relational lifting over multivariate functors

def mvfunctor.​supp {n : } {F : typevec nType v} [mvfunctor F] {α : typevec n} (x : F α) (i : fin2 n) :
set (α i)

given x : F α and a projection i of type vector α, supp x i is the set of α.i contained in x

theorem mvfunctor.​of_mem_supp {n : } {F : typevec nType v} [mvfunctor F] {α : typevec n} {x : F α} {p : Π ⦃i : fin2 n⦄, α i → Prop} (h : mvfunctor.liftp p x) (i : fin2 n) (y : α i) :
y mvfunctor.supp x ip y

structure is_lawful_mvfunctor {n : } (F : typevec nType u_2) [mvfunctor F] :

laws for mvfunctor

def mvfunctor.​liftp' {n : } {α : typevec n} {F : typevec nType v} [mvfunctor F] :
α.arrow (typevec.repeat n Prop)F α → Prop

adapt mvfunctor.liftp to accept predicates as arrows

def mvfunctor.​liftr' {n : } {α : typevec n} {F : typevec nType v} [mvfunctor F] :
(α.prod α).arrow (typevec.repeat n Prop)F αF α → Prop

adapt mvfunctor.liftp to accept relations as arrows

theorem mvfunctor.​id_map {n : } {α : typevec n} {F : typevec nType v} [mvfunctor F] [is_lawful_mvfunctor F] (x : F α) :

theorem mvfunctor.​id_map' {n : } {α : typevec n} {F : typevec nType v} [mvfunctor F] [is_lawful_mvfunctor F] (x : F α) : (λ (i : fin2 n) (a : α i), a) x = x

theorem mvfunctor.​map_map {n : } {α β γ : typevec n} {F : typevec nType v} [mvfunctor F] [is_lawful_mvfunctor F] (g : α.arrow β) (h : β.arrow γ) (x : F α) :

theorem mvfunctor.​exists_iff_exists_of_mono {n : } {α β : typevec n} (F : typevec nType v) [mvfunctor F] [is_lawful_mvfunctor F] {p : F α → Prop} {q : F β → Prop} (f : α.arrow β) (g : β.arrow α) :
typevec.comp f g =∀ (u : F α), p u q ( f u))((∃ (u : F α), p u) ∃ (u : F β), q u)

theorem mvfunctor.​liftp_def {n : } {α : typevec n} {F : typevec nType v} [mvfunctor F] (p : α.arrow (typevec.repeat n Prop)) [is_lawful_mvfunctor F] (x : F α) :

theorem mvfunctor.​liftp_last_pred_iff {n : } {F : typevec (n + 1)Type u_1} [mvfunctor F] [is_lawful_mvfunctor F] {α : typevec n} {β : Type u} (p : β → Prop) (x : F ::: β)) :

theorem mvfunctor.​liftr_last_rel_iff {n : } {F : typevec (n + 1)Type u_1} [mvfunctor F] [is_lawful_mvfunctor F] {α : typevec n} {β : Type u} (rr : β → β → Prop) (x y : F ::: β)) :