mathlib documentation



The Special Linear group $SL(n, R)$

This file defines the elements of the Special Linear group special_linear_group n R, also written SL(n, R) or SLₙ(R), consisting of all n by n R-matrices with determinant 1. In addition, we define the group structure on special_linear_group n R and the embedding into the general linear group general_linear_group R (n → R) (i.e. GL(n, R) or GLₙ(R)).

Main definitions

Implementation notes

The inverse operation in the special_linear_group is defined to be the adjugate matrix, so that special_linear_group n R has a group structure for all comm_ring R.

We define the elements of special_linear_group to be matrices, since we need to compute their determinant. This is in contrast with general_linear_group R M, which consists of invertible R-linear maps on M.



matrix group, group, matrix inverse

def matrix.​special_linear_group (n : Type u) [decidable_eq n] [fintype n] (R : Type v) [comm_ring R] :
Type (max u v)

special_linear_group n R is the group of n by n R-matrices with determinant equal to 1.

def matrix.​special_linear_group.​to_lin {n : Type u} [decidable_eq n] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] :
matrix.special_linear_group n R((n → R) →ₗ[R] n → R)

to_lin A is matrix multiplication of vectors by A, as a linear map.

After the group structure on special_linear_group n R is defined, we show in to_linear_equiv that this gives a linear equivalence.

theorem matrix.​special_linear_group.​ext_iff {n : Type u} [decidable_eq n] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] (A B : matrix.special_linear_group n R) :
A = B ∀ (i j : n), A i j = B i j

theorem matrix.​special_linear_group.​ext {n : Type u} [decidable_eq n] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] (A B : matrix.special_linear_group n R) :
(∀ (i j : n), A i j = B i j)A = B

theorem matrix.​special_linear_group.​mul_val {n : Type u} [decidable_eq n] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] (A B : matrix.special_linear_group n R) :

theorem matrix.​special_linear_group.​mul_apply {n : Type u} [decidable_eq n] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] (A B : matrix.special_linear_group n R) :

theorem matrix.​special_linear_group.​one_val {n : Type u} [decidable_eq n] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] :
1 = 1

theorem matrix.​special_linear_group.​one_apply {n : Type u} [decidable_eq n] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] :
1 = 1

theorem matrix.​special_linear_group.​to_lin_mul {n : Type u} [decidable_eq n] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] (A B : matrix.special_linear_group n R) :


def matrix.​special_linear_group.​to_linear_equiv {n : Type u} [decidable_eq n] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] :
matrix.special_linear_group n R((n → R) ≃ₗ[R] n → R)

to_linear_equiv A is matrix multiplication of vectors by A, as a linear equivalence.


to_GL is the map from the special linear group to the general linear group

theorem matrix.​special_linear_group.​to_GL_one {n : Type u} [decidable_eq n] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] :
1.to_GL = 1

theorem matrix.​special_linear_group.​to_GL_mul {n : Type u} [decidable_eq n] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] (A B : matrix.special_linear_group n R) :
(A * B).to_GL = A.to_GL * B.to_GL

special_linear_group.embedding_GL is the embedding from special_linear_group n R to general_linear_group n R.
