mathlib documentation



Cofinality on ordinals, regular cardinals

def order.​cof {α : Type u_1} (r : α → α → Prop) [is_refl α r] :

Cofinality of a reflexive order . This is the smallest cardinality of a subset S : set α such that ∀ a, ∃ b ∈ S, a ≼ b.

theorem order.​cof_le {α : Type u_1} (r : α → α → Prop) [is_refl α r] {S : set α} :
(∀ (a : α), ∃ (b : α) (H : b S), r a b)order.cof r S

theorem order.​le_cof {α : Type u_1} {r : α → α → Prop} [is_refl α r] (c : cardinal) :
c order.cof r ∀ {S : set α}, (∀ (a : α), ∃ (b : α) (H : b S), r a b)c S

theorem rel_iso.​cof.​aux {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {r : α → α → Prop} {s : β → β → Prop} [is_refl α r] [is_refl β s] :

theorem rel_iso.​cof {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {r : α → α → Prop} {s : β → β → Prop} [is_refl α r] [is_refl β s] :
r ≃r s(order.cof r).lift = (order.cof s).lift

def strict_order.​cof {α : Type u_1} (r : α → α → Prop) [h : is_irrefl α r] :


Cofinality of an ordinal. This is the smallest cardinal of a subset S of the ordinal which is unbounded, in the sense ∀ a, ∃ b ∈ S, ¬(b > a). It is defined for all ordinals, but cof 0 = 0 and cof (succ o) = 1, so it is only really interesting on limit ordinals (when it is an infinite cardinal).

theorem ordinal.​cof_type {α : Type u_1} (r : α → α → Prop) [is_well_order α r] :

theorem ordinal.​le_cof_type {α : Type u_1} {r : α → α → Prop} [is_well_order α r] {c : cardinal} :
c (ordinal.type r).cof ∀ (S : set α), (∀ (a : α), ∃ (b : α) (H : b S), ¬r b a)c S

theorem ordinal.​cof_type_le {α : Type u_1} {r : α → α → Prop} [is_well_order α r] (S : set α) :
(∀ (a : α), ∃ (b : α) (H : b S), ¬r b a)(ordinal.type r).cof S

theorem ordinal.​lt_cof_type {α : Type u_1} {r : α → α → Prop} [is_well_order α r] (S : set α) : S < (ordinal.type r).cof(∃ (a : α), ∀ (b : α), b Sr b a)

theorem ordinal.​cof_eq {α : Type u_1} (r : α → α → Prop) [is_well_order α r] :
∃ (S : set α), (∀ (a : α), ∃ (b : α) (H : b S), ¬r b a) S = (ordinal.type r).cof

theorem ordinal.​ord_cof_eq {α : Type u_1} (r : α → α → Prop) [is_well_order α r] :
∃ (S : set α), (∀ (a : α), ∃ (b : α) (H : b S), ¬r b a) ordinal.type (subrel r S) = (ordinal.type r).cof.ord

theorem ordinal.​cof_zero  :
0.cof = 0

theorem ordinal.​cof_eq_zero {o : ordinal} :
o.cof = 0 o = 0

theorem ordinal.​cof_succ (o : ordinal) :
o.succ.cof = 1

theorem ordinal.​cof_eq_one_iff_is_succ {o : ordinal} :
o.cof = 1 ∃ (a : ordinal), o = a.succ

theorem ordinal.​cof_add (a b : ordinal) :
b 0(a + b).cof = b.cof

theorem ordinal.​cof_cof (o : ordinal) :

theorem ordinal.​cof_eq' {α : Type u_1} (r : α → α → Prop) [is_well_order α r] :
(ordinal.type r).is_limit(∃ (S : set α), (∀ (a : α), ∃ (b : α) (H : b S), r a b) S = (ordinal.type r).cof)

theorem ordinal.​cof_sup_le_lift {ι : Type u_1} (f : ι → ordinal) :
(∀ (i : ι), f i < ordinal.sup f)(ordinal.sup f).cof ( ι).lift

theorem ordinal.​cof_sup_le {ι : Type u} (f : ι → ordinal) :
(∀ (i : ι), f i < ordinal.sup f)(ordinal.sup f).cof ι

theorem ordinal.​cof_bsup_le_lift {o : ordinal} (f : Π (a : ordinal), a < oordinal) :
(∀ (i : ordinal) (h : i < o), f i h < o.bsup f)(o.bsup f).cof o.card.lift

theorem ordinal.​cof_bsup_le {o : ordinal} (f : Π (a : ordinal), a < oordinal) :
(∀ (i : ordinal) (h : i < o), f i h < o.bsup f)(o.bsup f).cof o.card

theorem ordinal.​sup_lt_ord {ι : Type u} (f : ι → ordinal) {c : ordinal} : ι < c.cof(∀ (i : ι), f i < c)ordinal.sup f < c

theorem ordinal.​sup_lt {ι : Type u} (f : ι → cardinal) {c : cardinal} : ι < c.ord.cof(∀ (i : ι), f i < c)cardinal.sup f < c

theorem ordinal.​unbounded_of_unbounded_sUnion {α : Type u_1} (r : α → α → Prop) [wo : is_well_order α r] {s : set (set α)} :
unbounded r (⋃₀s) s < strict_order.cof r(∃ (x : set α) (H : x s), unbounded r x)

If the union of s is unbounded and s is smaller than the cofinality, then s has an unbounded member

theorem ordinal.​unbounded_of_unbounded_Union {α β : Type u} (r : α → α → Prop) [wo : is_well_order α r] (s : β → set α) :
unbounded r (⋃ (x : β), s x) β < strict_order.cof r(∃ (x : β), unbounded r (s x))

If the union of s is unbounded and s is smaller than the cofinality, then s has an unbounded member

theorem ordinal.​infinite_pigeonhole {β α : Type u} (f : β → α) :

The infinite pigeonhole principle

theorem ordinal.​infinite_pigeonhole_card {β α : Type u} (f : β → α) (θ : cardinal) :
θ β θ α < θ.ord.cof(∃ (a : α), θ (f ⁻¹' {a}))

pigeonhole principle for a cardinality below the cardinality of the domain

theorem ordinal.​infinite_pigeonhole_set {β α : Type u} {s : set β} (f : s → α) (θ : cardinal) :
θ θ α < θ.ord.cof(∃ (a : α) (t : set β) (h : t s), θ t ∀ ⦃x : β⦄ (hx : x t), f x, _⟩ = a)

def cardinal.​is_limit  :
cardinal → Prop

A cardinal is a limit if it is not zero or a successor cardinal. Note that ω is a limit cardinal by this definition.


A cardinal is a strong limit if it is not zero and it is closed under powersets. Note that ω is a strong limit by this definition.

def cardinal.​is_regular  :
cardinal → Prop

A cardinal is regular if it is infinite and it equals its own cofinality.

theorem cardinal.​sup_lt_ord_of_is_regular {ι : Type u} (f : ι → ordinal) {c : cardinal} : ι < c(∀ (i : ι), f i < c.ord)ordinal.sup f < c.ord

theorem cardinal.​sup_lt_of_is_regular {ι : Type u} (f : ι → cardinal) {c : cardinal} : ι < c(∀ (i : ι), f i < c)cardinal.sup f < c

theorem cardinal.​sum_lt_of_is_regular {ι : Type u} (f : ι → cardinal) {c : cardinal} : ι < c(∀ (i : ι), f i < c)cardinal.sum f < c

A cardinal is inaccessible if it is an uncountable regular strong limit cardinal.

theorem cardinal.​is_inaccessible.​mk {c : cardinal} : < cc c.ord.cof(∀ (x : cardinal), x < c2 ^ x < c) → c.is_inaccessible

theorem cardinal.​lt_cof_power {a b : cardinal} : a1 < ba < (b ^ a).ord.cof