mathlib documentation



Widgets used for tactic state and term-mode goal display

The vscode extension supports the display of interactive widgets. Default implementation of these widgets are included in the core library. We override them here using vm_override so that we can change them quickly without waiting for the next Lean release.

The function renders a single expression as a widget component. Each goal in a tactic state is rendered using the widget_override.tactic_view_goal function, a complete tactic state is rendered using widget_override.tactic_view_component.

Lean itself calls the widget_override.term_goal_widget function to render term-mode goals and widget_override.tactic_state_widget to render the tactic state in a tactic proof.

Prints a debugging representation of an sf object.

Constructs an sf from an eformat by forgetting grouping, nesting, etc.

Post-process an sf object to eliminate tags for partial applications by pushing the app_fn as far into the expression as possible. The effect is that clicking on a sub-expression always includes the full argument list in the popup.

Consider the expression id id 0. We push the app_fn for the partial application id id inwards and eliminate it. Before:

(tag_expr [app_fn]
  `(id.{1} (nat -> nat) (id.{1} nat))
  (tag_expr [app_fn] `(id.{1} (nat -> nat)) "id")
  (tag_expr [app_arg] `(id.{1} nat) "id"))
(tag_expr [app_arg] `({0} nat nat.has_zero) "0")


(tag_expr [app_fn, app_arg] `(id.{1} nat) "id")
(tag_expr [app_arg] `({0} nat nat.has_zero) "0")
meta inductive widget_override.​interactive_expression.​action  :
Type → Type

The actions accepted by an expression widget.

Make an interactive expression.

Render the implicit arguments for an expression in fancy, little pills.

meta inductive widget_override.​filter_type  :

Supported tactic state filters.

Filters a local constant using the given filter.

Component for the filter dropdown.

meta def widget_override.​html.​of_name {α : Type} :
namewidget.html α

Converts a name into an html element.

Component that shows a type.

meta structure widget_override.​local_collection  :

A group of local constants in the context that should be rendered as one line.

Converts a single local constant into a (singleton) local_collection

Component that displays the main (first) goal.

meta inductive widget_override.​tactic_view_action  :
Type → Type

Actions accepted by the tactic_view_component.

meta def widget_override.​goals_accomplished_message {α : Type} :
widget.html α

The "goals accomplished 🎉" HTML widget. This can be overridden using:

meta def my_new_msg {α : Type} : widget.html α := "my message"
attribute [vm_override my_new_msg] widget_override.goals_accomplished_message

Component that displays all goals, together with the $n goals message.

Component that displays the term-mode goal.

Renders the current tactic state.

Component showing the current tactic state.

Widget used to display term-proof goals.