mathlib documentation




This file proves various trivial lemmas about booleans and their relation to decidable propositions.


This file introduces the notation !b for bnot b, the boolean "not".


bool, boolean, De Morgan


theorem bool.​coe_to_bool (p : Prop) [decidable p] :

theorem bool.​of_to_bool_iff {p : Prop} [decidable p] :



theorem bool.​forall_bool {p : bool → Prop} :
(∀ (b : bool), p b) p bool.ff p

theorem bool.​exists_bool {p : bool → Prop} :
(∃ (b : bool), p b) p bool.ff p

def bool.​decidable_forall_bool {p : bool → Prop} [Π (b : bool), decidable (p b)] :
decidable (∀ (b : bool), p b)

If p b is decidable for all b : bool, then ∀ b, p b is decidable

def bool.​decidable_exists_bool {p : bool → Prop} [Π (b : bool), decidable (p b)] :
decidable (∃ (b : bool), p b)

If p b is decidable for all b : bool, then ∃ b, p b is decidable

theorem bool.​cond_ff {α : Type u_1} (t e : α) :
cond bool.ff t e = e

theorem bool.​cond_tt {α : Type u_1} (t e : α) :
cond t e = t

theorem bool.​cond_to_bool {α : Type u_1} (p : Prop) [decidable p] (t e : α) :
cond (decidable.to_bool p) t e = ite p t e

theorem bool.​coe_bool_iff {a b : bool} :
a b a = b

theorem bool.​bor_comm (a b : bool) :
a || b = b || a

theorem bool.​bor_assoc (a b c : bool) :
a || b || c = a || (b || c)

theorem bool.​bor_left_comm (a b c : bool) :
a || (b || c) = b || (a || c)

theorem bool.​bor_inl {a b : bool} :
a → (a || b)

theorem bool.​bor_inr {a b : bool} :
b → (a || b)

theorem bool.​band_comm (a b : bool) :
a && b = b && a

theorem bool.​band_assoc (a b c : bool) :
a && b && c = a && (b && c)

theorem bool.​band_left_comm (a b c : bool) :
a && (b && c) = b && (a && c)

theorem bool.​band_elim_left {a b : bool} :
(a && b)a

theorem bool.​band_intro {a b : bool} :
a → b → (a && b)

theorem bool.​band_elim_right {a b : bool} :
(a && b)b


theorem bool.​bxor_comm (a b : bool) :
bxor a b = bxor b a

theorem bool.​bxor_assoc (a b c : bool) :
bxor (bxor a b) c = bxor a (bxor b c)

theorem bool.​bxor_left_comm (a b c : bool) :
bxor a (bxor b c) = bxor b (bxor a c)

theorem bool.​bxor_bnot_left (a : bool) :

theorem bool.​bxor_bnot_right (a : bool) :

theorem bool.​bxor_bnot_bnot (a b : bool) :
bxor (!a) (!b) = bxor a b

theorem bool.​bxor_iff_ne {x y : bool} :
bxor x y = x y

De Morgan's laws for booleans

theorem bool.​bnot_band (a b : bool) :
!(a && b) = !a || !b

theorem bool.​bnot_bor (a b : bool) :
!(a || b) = !a && !b

theorem bool.​bnot_inj {a b : bool} :
!a = !ba = b


def bool.​to_nat  :

convert a bool to a , false -> 0, true -> 1

def bool.​of_nat  :

convert a to a bool, 0 -> false, everything else -> true

theorem bool.​to_nat_le_to_nat {b₀ b₁ : bool} :
b₀ b₁b₀.to_nat b₁.to_nat