mathlib documentation



Fixed field under a group action.

This is the basis of the Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory. Given a (finite) group G that acts on a field F, we define fixed_points G F, the subfield consisting of elements of F fixed_points by every element of G.

This subfield is then normal and separable, and in addition (TODO) if G acts faithfully on F then findim (fixed_points G F) F = fintype.card G.

Main Definitions

def fixed_by.​is_subfield (G : Type u) [group G] (F : Type v) [field F] [mul_semiring_action G F] (g : G) :

  • _ = _
def fixed_points.​is_subfield (G : Type u) [group G] (F : Type v) [field F] [mul_semiring_action G F] :

  • _ = _

  • _ = _
theorem fixed_points.​smul (G : Type u) [group G] (F : Type v) [field F] [mul_semiring_action G F] (g : G) (x : (mul_action.fixed_points G F)) :
g x = x

theorem fixed_points.​smul_polynomial (G : Type u) [group G] (F : Type v) [field F] [mul_semiring_action G F] (g : G) (p : polynomial (mul_action.fixed_points G F)) :
g p = p

def fixed_points.​minpoly (G : Type u) [group G] (F : Type v) [field F] [mul_semiring_action G F] [fintype G] :

fixed_points.minpoly G F x is the minimal polynomial of (x : F) over fixed_points G F.

theorem fixed_points.​minpoly.​monic (G : Type u) [group G] (F : Type v) [field F] [mul_semiring_action G F] [fintype G] (x : F) :

theorem fixed_points.​is_integral (G : Type u) [group G] (F : Type v) [field F] [mul_semiring_action G F] [fintype G] (x : F) :

theorem fixed_points.​minpoly.​ne_one (G : Type u) [group G] (F : Type v) [field F] [mul_semiring_action G F] [fintype G] (x : F) :

theorem fixed_points.​minpoly.​irreducible_aux (G : Type u) [group G] (F : Type v) [field F] [mul_semiring_action G F] [fintype G] (x : F) (f g : polynomial (mul_action.fixed_points G F)) :
f.monicg.monicf * g = fixed_points.minpoly G F xf = 1 g = 1

theorem fixed_points.​minpoly.​irreducible (G : Type u) [group G] (F : Type v) [field F] [mul_semiring_action G F] [fintype G] (x : F) :

def fixed_points.​normal (G : Type u) [group G] (F : Type v) [field F] [mul_semiring_action G F] [fintype G] :

  • _ = _
def fixed_points.​separable (G : Type u) [group G] (F : Type v) [field F] [mul_semiring_action G F] [fintype G] :

  • _ = _