mathlib documentation



p-adic norm

This file defines the p-adic valuation and the p-adic norm on ℚ.

The p-adic valuation on ℚ is the difference of the multiplicities of p in the numerator and denominator of q. This function obeys the standard properties of a valuation, with the appropriate assumptions on p.

The valuation induces a norm on ℚ. This norm is a nonarchimedean absolute value. It takes values in {0} ∪ {1/p^k | k ∈ ℤ}.


This file uses the local notation /. for

Implementation notes

Much, but not all, of this file assumes that p is prime. This assumption is inferred automatically by taking [fact (prime p)] as a type class argument.



p-adic, p adic, padic, norm, valuation

def padic_val_rat  :

For p ≠ 1, the p-adic valuation of an integer z ≠ 0 is the largest natural number n such that p^n divides z.

padic_val_rat defines the valuation of a rational q to be the valuation of q.num minus the valuation of q.denom. If q = 0 or p = 1, then padic_val_rat p q defaults to 0.

theorem padic_val_rat_def (p : ) [hp : fact ( p)] {q : } (hq : q 0) :

A simplification of the definition of padic_val_rat p q when q ≠ 0 and p is prime.

theorem padic_val_rat.​neg {p : } (q : ) :

padic_val_rat p q is symmetric in q.

theorem padic_val_rat.​one {p : } :

padic_val_rat p 1 is 0 for any p.


For p ≠ 0, p ≠ 1,padic_val_rat p p` is 1.

theorem padic_val_rat.​padic_val_rat_of_int {p : } (z : ) (hp : p 1) (hz : z 0) :

The p-adic value of an integer z ≠ 0 is the multiplicity of p in z.

def padic_val_nat  :

A convenience function for the case of padic_val_rat when both inputs are natural numbers.


padic_val_nat is defined as an int.to_nat cast; this lemma ensures that the cast is well-behaved.


padic_val_rat coincides with padic_val_nat.

theorem padic_val_nat_def {p : } [hp : fact ( p)] {n : } (hn : n 0) :

A simplification of padic_val_nat when one input is prime, by analogy with padic_val_rat_def.

theorem one_le_padic_val_nat_of_dvd {n p : } [prime : fact ( p)] :
n 0p n1 padic_val_nat p n

theorem padic_val_nat_zero (m : ) :

theorem padic_val_nat_one (m : ) :

theorem padic_val_rat.​finite_int_prime_iff {p : } [p_prime : fact ( p)] {a : } :

The multiplicity of p : ℕ in a : ℤ is finite exactly when a ≠ 0.

theorem padic_val_rat.​defn (p : ) [p_prime : fact ( p)] {q : } {n d : } (hqz : q 0) (qdf : q = n d) :

A rewrite lemma for padic_val_rat p q when q is expressed in terms of

theorem padic_val_rat.​mul (p : ) [p_prime : fact ( p)] {q r : } :
q 0r 0padic_val_rat p (q * r) = padic_val_rat p q + padic_val_rat p r

A rewrite lemma for padic_val_rat p (q * r) with conditions q ≠ 0, r ≠ 0.

theorem padic_val_rat.​pow (p : ) [p_prime : fact ( p)] {q : } (hq : q 0) {k : } :

A rewrite lemma for padic_val_rat p (q^k) with conditionq ≠ 0`.

theorem padic_val_rat.​inv (p : ) [p_prime : fact ( p)] {q : } :

A rewrite lemma for padic_val_rat p (q⁻¹) with condition q ≠ 0.

theorem padic_val_rat.​div (p : ) [p_prime : fact ( p)] {q r : } :
q 0r 0padic_val_rat p (q / r) = padic_val_rat p q - padic_val_rat p r

A rewrite lemma for padic_val_rat p (q / r) with conditions q ≠ 0, r ≠ 0.

theorem padic_val_rat.​padic_val_rat_le_padic_val_rat_iff (p : ) [p_prime : fact ( p)] {n₁ n₂ d₁ d₂ : } :
n₁ 0n₂ 0d₁ 0d₂ 0(padic_val_rat p ( n₁ d₁) padic_val_rat p ( n₂ d₂) ∀ (n : ), p ^ n n₁ * d₂p ^ n n₂ * d₁)

A condition for padic_val_rat p (n₁ / d₁) ≤ padic_val_rat p (n₂ / d₂), in terms of divisibility byp^n`.

theorem padic_val_rat.​le_padic_val_rat_add_of_le (p : ) [p_prime : fact ( p)] {q r : } :
q 0r 0q + r 0padic_val_rat p q padic_val_rat p rpadic_val_rat p q padic_val_rat p (q + r)

Sufficient conditions to show that the p-adic valuation of q is less than or equal to the p-adic vlauation of q + r.

theorem padic_val_rat.​min_le_padic_val_rat_add (p : ) [p_prime : fact ( p)] {q r : } :
q 0r 0q + r 0min (padic_val_rat p q) (padic_val_rat p r) padic_val_rat p (q + r)

The minimum of the valuations of q and r is less than or equal to the valuation of q + r.

theorem padic_val_nat.​mul (p : ) [p_prime : fact ( p)] {q r : } :
q 0r 0padic_val_nat p (q * r) = padic_val_nat p q + padic_val_nat p r

A rewrite lemma for padic_val_nat p (q * r) with conditions q ≠ 0, r ≠ 0.

theorem padic_val_nat.​div {p : } [p_prime : fact ( p)] {b : } :
p bpadic_val_nat p (b / p) = padic_val_nat p b - 1

Dividing out by a prime factor reduces the padic_val_nat by 1.

theorem padic_val_nat_of_not_dvd {p : } [fact ( p)] {n : } :
¬p npadic_val_nat p n = 0

If a prime doesn't appear in n, padic_val_nat p n is 0.

theorem padic_val_nat_primes {p q : } [p_prime : fact ( p)] [q_prime : fact ( q)] :
p qpadic_val_nat p q = 0

theorem padic_val_nat.​div' {p : } [p_prime : fact ( p)] {m : } (cpm : p.coprime m) {b : } :
m bpadic_val_nat p (b / m) = padic_val_nat p b

theorem prod_pow_prime_padic_val_nat (n : ) (hn : n 0) (m : ) :
n < m(finset.filter (finset.range m)).prod (λ (p : ), p ^ padic_val_nat p n) = n

def padic_norm  :

If q ≠ 0, the p-adic norm of a rational q is p ^ (-(padic_val_rat p q)). If q = 0, the p-adic norm of q is 0.

theorem padic_norm.​eq_fpow_of_nonzero (p : ) {q : } :
q 0padic_norm p q = p ^ -padic_val_rat p q

Unfolds the definition of the p-adic norm of q when q ≠ 0.

theorem padic_norm.​nonneg (p : ) (q : ) :

The p-adic norm is nonnegative.

theorem padic_norm.​zero (p : ) :

The p-adic norm of 0 is 0.

theorem padic_norm.​one (p : ) :

The p-adic norm of 1 is 1.

theorem padic_norm.​padic_norm_p {p : } :
1 < ppadic_norm p p = 1 / p

The p-adic norm of p is 1/p if p > 1.

See also padic_norm.padic_norm_p_of_prime for a version that assumes p is prime.


The p-adic norm of p is 1/p if p is prime.

See also padic_norm.padic_norm_p for a version that assumes 1 < p.

theorem padic_norm.​padic_norm_p_lt_one {p : } :
1 < ppadic_norm p p < 1

The p-adic norm of p is less than 1 if 1 < p.

See also padic_norm.padic_norm_p_lt_one_of_prime for a version assuming prime p.

The p-adic norm of p is less than 1 if p is prime.

See also padic_norm.padic_norm_p_lt_one for a version assuming 1 < p.

theorem padic_norm.​values_discrete (p : ) {q : } :
q 0(∃ (z : ), padic_norm p q = p ^ -z)

padic_norm p q takes discrete values p ^ -z for z : ℤ.

theorem padic_norm.​nonzero (p : ) [hp : fact ( p)] {q : } :
q 0padic_norm p q 0

If q ≠ 0, then padic_norm p q ≠ 0.

theorem padic_norm.​neg (p : ) [hp : fact ( p)] (q : ) :

padic_norm p is symmetric.

theorem padic_norm.​zero_of_padic_norm_eq_zero (p : ) [hp : fact ( p)] {q : } :
padic_norm p q = 0q = 0

If the p-adic norm of q is 0, then q is 0.

theorem padic_norm.​mul (p : ) [hp : fact ( p)] (q r : ) :

The p-adic norm is multiplicative.

theorem padic_norm.​div (p : ) [hp : fact ( p)] (q r : ) :

The p-adic norm respects division.

theorem padic_norm.​of_int (p : ) [hp : fact ( p)] (z : ) :

The p-adic norm of an integer is at most 1.

theorem padic_norm.​nonarchimedean (p : ) [hp : fact ( p)] {q r : } :
padic_norm p (q + r) max (padic_norm p q) (padic_norm p r)

The p-adic norm is nonarchimedean: the norm of p + q is at most the max of the norm of p and the norm of q.

theorem padic_norm.​triangle_ineq (p : ) [hp : fact ( p)] (q r : ) :

The p-adic norm respects the triangle inequality: the norm of p + q is at most the norm of p plus the norm of q.

theorem padic_norm.​sub (p : ) [hp : fact ( p)] {q r : } :
padic_norm p (q - r) max (padic_norm p q) (padic_norm p r)

The p-adic norm of a difference is at most the max of each component. Restates the archimedean property of the p-adic norm.

theorem padic_norm.​add_eq_max_of_ne (p : ) [hp : fact ( p)] {q r : } :
padic_norm p q padic_norm p rpadic_norm p (q + r) = max (padic_norm p q) (padic_norm p r)

If the p-adic norms of q and r are different, then the norm of q + r is equal to the max of the norms of q and r.


The p-adic norm is an absolute value: positive-definite and multiplicative, satisfying the triangle inequality.

  • _ = _
theorem padic_norm.​le_of_dvd (p : ) [hp : fact ( p)] {n : } {z : } :
(p ^ n) zpadic_norm p z p ^ -n

If p^n divides an integer z, then the p-adic norm of z is at most p^(-n).