The category of abelian groups is abelian
In the category of abelian groups, every monomorphism is normal.
In the category of abelian groups, every epimorphism is normal.
The category of abelian groups is abelian.
- AddCommGroup.category_theory.abelian = {to_preadditive := {hom_group := λ (P Q : AddCommGroup), category_theory.preadditive.hom_group P Q, add_comp' := AddCommGroup.category_theory.abelian._proof_1, comp_add' := AddCommGroup.category_theory.abelian._proof_2}, has_finite_products := id (λ (J : Type) [_inst_2 : decidable_eq J] [_inst_3 : fintype J], category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape_of_has_limits), has_kernels := category_theory.limits.has_kernels_of_has_equalizers AddCommGroup category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape_of_has_limits, has_cokernels := category_theory.limits.has_cokernels_of_has_coequalizers AddCommGroup category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape_of_has_colimits, normal_mono := λ (X Y : AddCommGroup), AddCommGroup.normal_mono, normal_epi := λ (X Y : AddCommGroup), AddCommGroup.normal_epi}