mathlib documentation



Category instances for monoid, add_monoid, comm_monoid, and add_comm_monoid.

We introduce the bundled categories:

def Mon  :
Type (u+1)

The category of monoids and monoid morphisms.

def AddMon  :
Type (u+1)

The category of additive monoids and monoid morphisms.


def AddMon.​of (M : Type u) [add_monoid M] :

Construct a bundled Mon from the underlying type and typeclass.

def Mon.​of (M : Type u) [monoid M] :

Construct a bundled Mon from the underlying type and typeclass.


def Mon.​monoid (M : Mon) :

def AddCommMon  :
Type (u+1)

The category of additive commutative monoids and monoid morphisms.

def CommMon  :
Type (u+1)

The category of commutative monoids and monoid morphisms.

def CommMon.​of (M : Type u) [comm_monoid M] :

Construct a bundled CommMon from the underlying type and typeclass.

def AddCommMon.​of (M : Type u) [add_comm_monoid M] :

Construct a bundled AddCommMon from the underlying type and typeclass.


def add_equiv.​to_AddMon_iso {X Y : Type u} [add_monoid X] [add_monoid Y] :
X ≃+ Y(AddMon.of X AddMon.of Y)

Build an isomorphism in the category AddMon from an add_equiv between add_monoids.

def mul_equiv.​to_Mon_iso {X Y : Type u} [monoid X] [monoid Y] :
X ≃* Y(Mon.of X Mon.of Y)

Build an isomorphism in the category Mon from a mul_equiv between monoids.


theorem mul_equiv.​to_Mon_iso_hom {X Y : Type u} [monoid X] [monoid Y] {e : X ≃* Y} :


theorem mul_equiv.​to_Mon_iso_inv {X Y : Type u} [monoid X] [monoid Y] {e : X ≃* Y} :

def mul_equiv.​to_CommMon_iso {X Y : Type u} [comm_monoid X] [comm_monoid Y] :

Build an isomorphism in the category CommMon from a mul_equiv between comm_monoids.


Build an isomorphism in the category AddCommMon from an add_equiv between add_comm_monoids.



Build an add_equiv from an isomorphism in the category AddMon.

Build a mul_equiv from an isomorphism in the category Mon.


Build a mul_equiv from an isomorphism in the category CommMon.


Build an add_equiv from an isomorphism in the category AddCommMon.

def mul_equiv_iso_Mon_iso {X Y : Type u} [monoid X] [monoid Y] :

multiplicative equivalences between monoids are the same as (isomorphic to) isomorphisms in Mon


additive equivalences between add_monoids are the same as (isomorphic to) isomorphisms in AddMon

additive equivalences between add_comm_monoids are the same as (isomorphic to) isomorphisms in AddCommMon

multiplicative equivalences between comm_monoids are the same as (isomorphic to) isomorphisms in CommMon


Once we've shown that the forgetful functors to type reflect isomorphisms, we automatically obtain that the forget₂ functors between our concrete categories reflect isomorphisms.