mathlib documentation



meta constant mk_simp_attr_decl_name  :

Prefix the given attr_name with "simp_attr".

meta constant simp_lemmas  :

Simp lemmas are used by the "simplifier" family of tactics. simp_lemmas is essentially a pair of tables rb_map (expr_type × name) (priority_list simp_lemma). One of the tables is for congruences and one is for everything else. An individual simp lemma is:

  • A kind which can be Refl, Simp or Congr.
  • A pair of exprs l ~> r. The rb map is indexed by the name of get_app_fn(l).
  • A proof that l = r or l ↔ r.
  • A list of the metavariables that must be filled before the proof can be applied.
  • A priority number
meta constant simp_lemmas.​mk  :

Make a new table of simp lemmas

Merge the simp_lemma tables.

Remove the given lemmas from the table. Use the names of the lemmas.

Makes the default simp_lemmas table which is composed of all lemmas tagged with simp.

Add a simplification lemma by an expression p. Some conditions on p must hold for it to be added, see list below. If your lemma is not being added, you can see the reasons by setting set_option trace.simp_lemmas true.

  • p must have the type Π (h₁ : _) ... (hₙ : _), LHS ~ RHS for some reflexive, transitive relation (usually =).
  • Any of the hypotheses hᵢ should either be present in LHS or otherwise a Prop or a typeclass instance.
  • LHS should not occur within RHS.
  • LHS should not occur within a hypothesis hᵢ.

Add a simplification lemma by it's declaration name. See simp_lemmas.add for more information.

Adds a congruence simp lemma to simp_lemmas. A congruence simp lemma is a lemma that breaks the simplification down into separate problems. For example, to simplify a ∧ b to c ∧ d, we should try to simp a to c and b to d. For examples of congruence simp lemmas look for lemmas with the @[congr] attribute.

lemma if_simp_congr ... (h_c : b  c) (h_t : x = u) (h_e : y = v) : ite b x y = ite c u v := ...
lemma imp_congr_right (h : a  (b  c)) : (a  b)  (a  c) := ...
lemma and_congr (h₁ : a  c) (h₂ : b  d) : (a  b)  (c  d) := ...

Add expressions to a set of simp lemmas using simp_lemmas.add.

This is the new version of simp_lemmas.append, which also allows you to set the symm flag.

Add expressions to a set of simp lemmas using simp_lemmas.add.

This is the backwards-compatibility version of simp_lemmas.append_with_symm, and sets all symm flags to ff.

simp_lemmas.rewrite s e prove R apply a simplification lemma from 's'

  • 'e' is the expression to be "simplified"
  • 'prove' is used to discharge proof obligations.
  • 'r' is the equivalence relation being used (e.g., 'eq', 'iff')
  • 'md' is the transparency; how aggresively should the simplifier perform reductions.

    Result (new_e, pr) is the new expression 'new_e' and a proof (pr : e R new_e)

simp_lemmas.drewrite s e tries to rewrite 'e' using only refl lemmas in 's'

meta constant is_valid_simp_lemma  :

Revert a local constant, change its type using transform.

get_eqn_lemmas_for deps d returns the automatically generated equational lemmas for definition d. If deps is tt, then lemmas for automatically generated auxiliary declarations used to define d are also included.

structure tactic.​dsimp_config  :

(Definitional) Simplify the given expression using only reflexivity equality lemmas from the given set of lemmas. The resulting expression is definitionally equal to the input.

The list u contains defintions to be delta-reduced, and projections to be reduced.

meta def tactic.​dsimplify  :
(exprtactic (expr × bool))(exprtactic (expr × bool))exprtactic expr

Tries to unfold e if it is a constant or a constant application. Remark: this is not a recursive procedure.

structure tactic.​dunfold_config  :

structure tactic.​delta_config  :
  • max_steps :
  • visit_instances : bool

Delta reduce the given constant names

structure tactic.​unfold_proj_config  :

If e is a projection application, try to unfold it, otherwise fail.

structure tactic.​simp_config  :

simplify s e cfg r prove simplify e using s using bottom-up traversal. discharger is a tactic for dischaging new subgoals created by the simplifier. If it fails, the simplifier tries to discharge the subgoal by simplifying it to true.

The parameter to_unfold specifies definitions that should be delta-reduced, and projection applications that should be unfolded.

meta constant tactic.​ext_simplify_core {α : Type} :
α → tactic.simp_configsimp_lemmas(α → tactic α)(α → simp_lemmasnameoption exprexprtactic × expr × option expr × bool))(α → simp_lemmasnameoption exprexprtactic × expr × option expr × bool))nameexprtactic × expr × expr)

ext_simplify_core a c s discharger pre post r e:

  • a : α - initial user data
  • c : simp_config - simp configuration options
  • s : simp_lemmas - the set of simp_lemmas to use. Remark: the simplification lemmas are not applied automatically like in the simplify tactic. The caller must use them at pre/post.
  • discharger : α → tactic α - tactic for dischaging hypothesis in conditional rewriting rules. The argument 'α' is the current user data.
  • pre a s r p e is invoked before visiting the children of subterm 'e'.
    • arguments:
    • a is the current user data
    • s is the updated set of lemmas if 'contextual' is tt,
    • r is the simplification relation being used,
    • p is the "parent" expression (if there is one).
    • e is the current subexpression in question.
    • if it succeeds the result is (new_a, new_e, new_pr, flag) where
    • new_a is the new value for the user data
    • new_e is a new expression s.t. r e new_e
    • new_pr is a proof for e r new_e, If it is none, the proof is assumed to be by reflexivity
    • flag if tt new_e children should be visited, and post invoked.
  • (post a s r p e) is invoked after visiting the children of subterm e, The output is similar to (pre a r s p e), but the 'flag' indicates whether the new expression should be revisited or not.
  • r is the simplification relation. Usually = or .
  • e is the input expression to be simplified.

The method returns (a,e,pr) where

  • a is the final user data
  • e is the new expression
  • pr is the proof that the given expression equals the input expression.
structure tactic.​simp_intros_config  :

Example usage:

-- make a new simp attribute called "my_reduction"
run_cmd mk_simp_attr `my_reduction
-- Add "my_reduction" attributes to these if-reductions
attribute [my_reduction] if_pos if_neg dif_pos dif_neg

-- will return the simp_lemmas with the `my_reduction` attribute.
#eval get_user_simp_lemmas `my_reduction
meta structure tactic.​simp_all_entry  :