Kernels and cokernels
In a category with zero morphisms, the kernel of a morphism f : X ⟶ Y
is the equalizer of f
and 0 : X ⟶ Y
. (Similarly the cokernel is the coequalizer.)
The basic definitions are
kernel : (X ⟶ Y) → C
kernel.ι : kernel f ⟶ X
kernel.condition : kernel.ι f ≫ f = 0
andkernel.lift (k : W ⟶ X) (h : k ≫ f = 0) : W ⟶ kernel f
(as well as the dual versions)
Main statements
Besides the definition and lifts, we prove
: a kernel map of a zero morphism is an isomorphismkernel.eq_zero_of_epi_kernel
: ifkernel.ι f
is an epimorphism, thenf = 0
: the kernel of a monomorphism is the zero objectkernel.lift_mono
: the lift of a monomorphismk : W ⟶ X
such thatk ≫ f = 0
is still a monomorphismkernel.is_limit_cone_zero_cone
: if our category has a zero object, then the map from the zero obect is a kernel map of any monomorphismkernel.ι_of_zero
:kernel.ι (0 : X ⟶ Y)
is an isomorphism
and the corresponding dual statements.
Future work
- TODO: connect this with existing working in the group theory and ring theory libraries.
Implementation notes
As with the other special shapes in the limits library, all the definitions here are given as
s of the general statements for limits, so all the simp
lemmas and theorems about
general limits can be used.
- [F. Borceux, Handbook of Categorical Algebra 2][borceux-vol2]
A morphism f
has a kernel if the functor parallel_pair f 0
has a limit.
A morphism f
has a cokernel if the functor parallel_pair f 0
has a colimit.
A kernel fork is just a fork where the second morphism is a zero morphism.
A morphism ι
satisfying ι ≫ f = 0
determines a kernel fork over f
Every kernel fork s
is isomorphic (actually, equal) to fork.of_ι (fork.ι s) _
If ι = ι'
, then fork.of_ι ι _
and fork.of_ι ι' _
are isomorphic.
If F
is an equivalence, then applying F
to a diagram indexing a (co)kernel of f
the diagram indexing the (co)kernel of f
- category_theory.limits.comp_nat_iso F = category_theory.nat_iso.of_components (λ (j : category_theory.limits.walking_parallel_pair), category_theory.limits.comp_nat_iso._match_1 F j) _
- category_theory.limits.comp_nat_iso._match_1 F = category_theory.iso.refl ((category_theory.limits.parallel_pair f 0 ⋙ F).obj
- category_theory.limits.comp_nat_iso._match_1 F = category_theory.iso.refl ((category_theory.limits.parallel_pair f 0 ⋙ F).obj
If s
is a limit kernel fork and k : W ⟶ X
satisfies `k ≫ f = 0
, then there is some
l : W ⟶ s.X
such that l ≫ fork.ι s = k
This is a slightly more convenient method to verify that a kernel fork is a limit cone. It only asks for a proof of facts that carry any mathematical content
This is a more convenient formulation to show that a kernel_fork
constructed using
is a limit cone.
- category_theory.limits.is_limit.of_ι g eq lift fac uniq = category_theory.limits.is_limit_aux (category_theory.limits.kernel_fork.of_ι g eq) (λ (s : category_theory.limits.kernel_fork f), lift (category_theory.limits.fork.ι s) _) _ _
The kernel of a morphism, expressed as the equalizer with the 0 morphism.
The map from kernel f
into the source of f
Given any morphism k : W ⟶ X
satisfying k ≫ f = 0
, k
factors through kernel.ι f
via kernel.lift : W ⟶ kernel f
- _ = _
Any morphism k : W ⟶ X
satisfying k ≫ f = 0
induces a morphism l : W ⟶ kernel f
such that
l ≫ kernel.ι f = k
- category_theory.limits.kernel.lift' f k h = ⟨category_theory.limits.kernel.lift f k h, _⟩
Every kernel of the zero morphism is an isomorphism
The kernel of a zero morphism is isomorphic to the source.
If two morphisms are known to be equal, then their kernels are isomorphic.
When g
is an isomorphism, the kernel of f ≫ g
is isomorphic to the kernel of f
- category_theory.limits.kernel_comp_is_iso f g = {hom := category_theory.limits.kernel.lift f (category_theory.limits.kernel.ι (f ≫ g)) _, inv := category_theory.limits.kernel.lift (f ≫ g) (category_theory.limits.kernel.ι f) _, hom_inv_id' := _, inv_hom_id' := _}
When f
is an isomorphism, the kernel of f ≫ g
is isomorphic to the kernel of g
- category_theory.limits.kernel_is_iso_comp f g = {hom := category_theory.limits.kernel.lift g (category_theory.limits.kernel.ι (f ≫ g) ≫ f) _, inv := category_theory.limits.kernel.lift (f ≫ g) (category_theory.limits.kernel.ι g ≫ category_theory.is_iso.inv f) _, hom_inv_id' := _, inv_hom_id' := _}
The morphism from the zero object determines a cone on a kernel diagram
- category_theory.limits.kernel.zero_cone f = {X := 0, π := {app := λ (j : category_theory.limits.walking_parallel_pair), 0, naturality' := _}}
The map from the zero object is a kernel of a monomorphism
The kernel of a monomorphism is isomorphic to the zero object
The kernel morphism of a monomorphism is a zero morphism
If i
is an isomorphism such that l ≫ i.hom = f
, then any kernel of f
is a kernel of l
- category_theory.limits.is_kernel.of_comp_iso f l i h hs = (category_theory.limits.kernel_fork.of_ι (category_theory.limits.fork.ι s) _) (λ (s_1 : category_theory.limits.fork l 0), hs.lift (category_theory.limits.kernel_fork.of_ι s_1.ι _)) _ _
If i
is an isomorphism such that l ≫ i.hom = f
, then the kernel of f
is a kernel of l
If s
is any limit kernel cone over f
and if i
is an isomorphism such that
i.hom ≫ s.ι = l
, then l
is a kernel of f
- category_theory.limits.is_kernel.iso_kernel f l hs i h = hs.of_iso_limit (category_theory.limits.cones.ext i.symm _)
If i
is an isomorphism such that i.hom ≫ kernel.ι f = l
, then l
is a kernel of f
The kernel morphism of a zero morphism is an isomorphism
A cokernel cofork is just a cofork where the second morphism is a zero morphism.
A morphism π
satisfying f ≫ π = 0
determines a cokernel cofork on f
Every cokernel cofork s
is isomorphic (actually, equal) to cofork.of_π (cofork.π s) _
If π = π'
, then cokernel_cofork.of_π π _
and cokernel_cofork.of_π π' _
are isomorphic.
If s
is a colimit cokernel cofork, then every k : Y ⟶ W
satisfying f ≫ k = 0
l : s.X ⟶ W
such that cofork.π s ≫ l = k
This is a slightly more convenient method to verify that a cokernel cofork is a colimit cocone. It only asks for a proof of facts that carry any mathematical content
This is a more convenient formulation to show that a cokernel_cofork
constructed using
is a limit cone.
- category_theory.limits.is_colimit.of_π g eq desc fac uniq = category_theory.limits.is_colimit_aux (category_theory.limits.cokernel_cofork.of_π g eq) (λ (s : category_theory.limits.cokernel_cofork f), desc (category_theory.limits.cofork.π s) _) _ _
The cokernel of a morphism, expressed as the coequalizer with the 0 morphism.
The map from the target of f
to cokernel f
Given any morphism k : Y ⟶ W
such that f ≫ k = 0
, k
factors through cokernel.π f
via cokernel.desc : cokernel f ⟶ W
- _ = _
Any morphism k : Y ⟶ W
satisfying f ≫ k = 0
induces l : cokernel f ⟶ W
such that
cokernel.π f ≫ l = k
The cokernel of the zero morphism is an isomorphism
The cokernel of a zero morphism is isomorphic to the target.
If two morphisms are known to be equal, then their cokernels are isomorphic.
When g
is an isomorphism, the cokernel of f ≫ g
is isomorphic to the cokernel of f
- category_theory.limits.cokernel_comp_is_iso f g = {hom := category_theory.limits.cokernel.desc (f ≫ g) (category_theory.is_iso.inv g ≫ category_theory.limits.cokernel.π f) _, inv := category_theory.limits.cokernel.desc f (g ≫ category_theory.limits.cokernel.π (f ≫ g)) _, hom_inv_id' := _, inv_hom_id' := _}
When f
is an isomorphism, the cokernel of f ≫ g
is isomorphic to the cokernel of g
- category_theory.limits.cokernel_is_iso_comp f g = {hom := category_theory.limits.cokernel.desc (f ≫ g) (category_theory.limits.cokernel.π g) _, inv := category_theory.limits.cokernel.desc g (category_theory.limits.cokernel.π (f ≫ g)) _, hom_inv_id' := _, inv_hom_id' := _}
The morphism to the zero object determines a cocone on a cokernel diagram
- category_theory.limits.cokernel.zero_cocone f = {X := 0, ι := {app := λ (j : category_theory.limits.walking_parallel_pair), 0, naturality' := _}}
The morphism to the zero object is a cokernel of an epimorphism
The cokernel of an epimorphism is isomorphic to the zero object
- category_theory.limits.cokernel.of_epi f = (category_theory.limits.cocones.forget (category_theory.limits.parallel_pair f 0)).map_iso ((category_theory.limits.colimit.is_colimit (category_theory.limits.parallel_pair f 0)).unique_up_to_iso (category_theory.limits.cokernel.is_colimit_cocone_zero_cocone f))
The cokernel morphism of an epimorphism is a zero morphism
The cokernel of the image inclusion of a morphism f
is isomorphic to the cokernel of f
(This result requires that the factorisation through the image is an epimorphism. This holds in any category with equalizers.)
- category_theory.limits.cokernel_image_ι f = {hom := category_theory.limits.cokernel.desc (category_theory.limits.image.ι f) (category_theory.limits.cokernel.π f) _, inv := category_theory.limits.cokernel.desc f (category_theory.limits.cokernel.π (category_theory.limits.image.ι f)) _, hom_inv_id' := _, inv_hom_id' := _}
The cokernel of a zero morphism is an isomorphism
The kernel of the cokernel of an epimorphism is an isomorphism
The cokernel of the kernel of a monomorphism is an isomorphism
If i
is an isomorphism such that i.hom ≫ l = f
, then any cokernel of f
is a cokernel of
- category_theory.limits.is_cokernel.of_iso_comp f l i h hs = (category_theory.limits.cokernel_cofork.of_π (category_theory.limits.cofork.π s) _) (λ (s_1 : category_theory.limits.cofork l 0), hs.desc (category_theory.limits.cokernel_cofork.of_π s_1.π _)) _ _
If i
is an isomorphism such that i.hom ≫ l = f
, then the cokernel of f
is a cokernel of
If s
is any colimit cokernel cocone over f
and i
is an isomorphism such that
s.π ≫ i.hom = l
, then l
is a cokernel of f
If i
is an isomorphism such that cokernel.π f ≫ i.hom = l
, then l
is a cokernel of f
- has_limit : Π {X Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y), category_theory.limits.has_kernel f
represents a choice of kernel for every morphism
- has_colimit : Π {X Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y), category_theory.limits.has_cokernel f
represents a choice of cokernel for every morphism
- category_theory.limits.has_kernels_of_has_equalizers C = {has_limit := infer_instance (λ {X Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y), category_theory.limits.has_limit_of_has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.parallel_pair f 0))}