mathlib documentation



The category of (commutative) (additive) monoids has all limits

Further, these limits are preserved by the forgetful functor --- that is, the underlying types are just the limits in the category of types.


def Mon.​sections_submonoid {J : Type u} [category_theory.small_category J] (F : J Mon) :
submonoid (Π (j : J), (F.obj j))

The flat sections of a functor into Mon form a submonoid of all sections.


The flat sections of a functor into AddMon form an additive submonoid of all sections.

Construction of a limit cone in Mon. (Internal use only; use the limits API.)


(Internal use only; use the limits API.)


The category of monoids has all limits.


The forgetful functor from monoids to types preserves all limits. (That is, the underlying types could have been computed instead as limits in the category of types.)


We show that the forgetful functor CommMonMon creates limits.

All we need to do is notice that the limit point has a comm_monoid instance available, and then reuse the existing limit.


The category of commutative monoids has all limits.


The forgetful functor from commutative monoids to monoids preserves all limits. (That is, the underlying monoid could have been computed instead as limits in the category of monoids.)


The forgetful functor from commutative monoids to types preserves all limits. (That is, the underlying types could have been computed instead as limits in the category of types.)
