Normed spaces
- norm : α → ℝ
Auxiliary class, endowing a type α
with a function norm : α → ℝ
. This class is designed to
be extended in more interesting classes specifying the properties of the norm.
- to_has_norm : has_norm α
- to_add_comm_group : add_comm_group α
- to_metric_space : metric_space α
- dist_eq : ∀ (x y : α), has_dist.dist x y = ∥x - y∥
A normed group is an additive group endowed with a norm for which dist x y = ∥x - y∥
a metric space structure.
- normed_ring.to_normed_group
- inner_product_space.to_normed_group
- submodule.normed_group
- prod.normed_group
- pi.normed_group
- semimodule.restrict_scalars.normed_group
- bounded_continuous_function.normed_group
- continuous_linear_map.to_normed_group
- continuous_multilinear_map.to_normed_group
- normed_space.dual.normed_group
- enorm.normed_group
- pi_Lp.normed_group
- measure_theory.l1.normed_group
Construct a normed group from a translation invariant distance
- normed_group.of_add_dist H1 H2 = {to_has_norm := _inst_1, to_add_comm_group := _inst_2, to_metric_space := _inst_3, dist_eq := _}
Construct a normed group from a translation invariant distance
- normed_group.of_add_dist' H1 H2 = {to_has_norm := _inst_1, to_add_comm_group := _inst_2, to_metric_space := _inst_3, dist_eq := _}
Constructing a normed group from core properties of a norm, i.e., registering the distance and the metric space structure from the norm properties.
- normed_group.of_core α C = {to_has_norm := _inst_2, to_add_comm_group := _inst_1, to_metric_space := {to_has_dist := {dist := λ (x y : α), ∥x - y∥}, dist_self := _, eq_of_dist_eq_zero := _, dist_comm := _, dist_triangle := _, edist := λ (x y : α), ennreal.of_real ((λ (x y : α), ∥x - y∥) x y), edist_dist := _, to_uniform_space := uniform_space_of_dist (λ (x y : α), ∥x - y∥) _ _ _, uniformity_dist := _}, dist_eq := _}
A homomorphism f
of normed groups is Lipschitz, if there exists a constant C
such that for
all x
, one has ∥f x∥ ≤ C * ∥x∥
The analogous condition for a linear map of normed spaces is in normed_space.operator_norm
A homomorphism f
of normed groups is continuous, if there exists a constant C
such that for
all x
, one has ∥f x∥ ≤ C * ∥x∥
The analogous condition for a linear map of normed spaces is in normed_space.operator_norm
A submodule of a normed group is also a normed group, with the restriction of the norm.
As all instances can be inferred from the submodule s
, they are put as implicit instead of
- s.normed_group = {to_has_norm := {norm := λ (x : ↥s), ∥↑x∥}, to_add_comm_group := s.add_comm_group, to_metric_space := subtype.metric_space normed_group.to_metric_space, dist_eq := _}
normed group instance on the product of two normed groups, using the sup norm.
- prod.normed_group = {to_has_norm := {norm := λ (x : α × β), max ∥x.fst∥ ∥x.snd∥}, to_add_comm_group := prod.add_comm_group normed_group.to_add_comm_group, to_metric_space := prod.metric_space_max normed_group.to_metric_space, dist_eq := _}
normed group instance on the product of finitely many normed groups, using the sup norm.
- pi.normed_group = {to_has_norm := {norm := λ (f : Π (i : ι), π i), ↑(finset.univ.sup (λ (b : ι), nnnorm (f b)))}, to_add_comm_group := pi.add_comm_group (λ (i : ι), normed_group.to_add_comm_group), to_metric_space := metric_space_pi (λ (b : ι), normed_group.to_metric_space), dist_eq := _}
Special case of the sandwich theorem: if the norm of f
is eventually bounded by a real
function g
which tends to 0
, then f
tends to 0
In this pair of lemmas (squeeze_zero_norm'
and squeeze_zero_norm
), following a convention of
similar lemmas in topology.metric_space.basic
and topology.algebra.ordered
, the '
version is
phrased using "eventually" and the non-'
version is phrased absolutely.
Special case of the sandwich theorem: if the norm of f
is bounded by a real function g
tends to 0
, then f
tends to 0
If ∥y∥→∞
, then we can assume y≠x
for any fixed x
A normed group is a uniform additive group, i.e., addition and subtraction are uniformly continuous.
- normed_ring.to_normed_group = {to_has_norm := normed_ring.to_has_norm β, to_add_comm_group := {add := ring.add normed_ring.to_ring, add_assoc := _, zero := normed_ring.to_ring, zero_add := _, add_zero := _, neg := ring.neg normed_ring.to_ring, add_left_neg := _, add_comm := _}, to_metric_space := normed_ring.to_metric_space β, dist_eq := _}
In a normed ring, the left-multiplication add_monoid_hom
is bounded.
In a normed ring, the right-multiplication add_monoid_hom
is bounded.
Normed ring structure on the product of two normed rings, using the sup norm.
A normed ring is a topological ring.
- to_normed_field : normed_field α
- non_trivial : ∃ (x : α), 1 < ∥x∥
A nondiscrete normed field is a normed field in which there is an element of norm different from
and 1
. This makes it possible to bring any element arbitrarily close to 0
by multiplication
by the powers of any element, and thus to relate algebra and topology.
- normed_field.to_normed_ring = {to_has_norm := normed_field.to_has_norm i, to_ring := {add := field.add normed_field.to_field, add_assoc := _, zero := normed_field.to_field, zero_add := _, add_zero := _, neg := field.neg normed_field.to_field, add_left_neg := _, add_comm := _, mul := field.mul normed_field.to_field, mul_assoc := _, one := normed_field.to_field, one_mul := _, mul_one := _, left_distrib := _, right_distrib := _}, to_metric_space := normed_field.to_metric_space i, dist_eq := _, norm_mul := _}
- real.normed_field = {to_has_norm := {norm := λ (x : ℝ), abs x}, to_field := real.field, to_metric_space := real.metric_space, dist_eq := real.normed_field._proof_1, norm_mul' := _}
- real.nondiscrete_normed_field = {to_normed_field := real.normed_field, non_trivial := real.nondiscrete_normed_field._proof_1}
If a function converges to a nonzero value, its inverse converges to the inverse of this value.
We use the name tendsto.inv'
as tendsto.inv
is already used in multiplicative topological
Continuity at a point of the result of dividing two functions continuous at that point, where the denominator is nonzero.
- int.normed_ring = {to_has_norm := {norm := λ (n : ℤ), ∥↑n∥}, to_ring := int.ring, to_metric_space := int.metric_space, dist_eq := int.normed_ring._proof_1, norm_mul := int.normed_ring._proof_2}
- rat.normed_field = {to_has_norm := {norm := λ (r : ℚ), ∥↑r∥}, to_field := rat.field, to_metric_space := rat.metric_space, dist_eq := rat.normed_field._proof_1, norm_mul' := rat.normed_field._proof_2}
- rat.nondiscrete_normed_field = {to_normed_field := rat.normed_field, non_trivial := rat.nondiscrete_normed_field._proof_1}
A normed space over a normed field is a vector space endowed with a norm which satisfies the
equality ∥c • x∥ = ∥c∥ ∥x∥
. We require only ∥c • x∥ ≤ ∥c∥ ∥x∥
in the definition, then prove
∥c • x∥ = ∥c∥ ∥x∥
in norm_smul
- normed_algebra.to_normed_space
- inner_product_space.to_normed_space
- complex.normed_space.restrict_scalars_real
- normed_field.to_normed_space
- prod.normed_space
- pi.normed_space
- submodule.normed_space
- semimodule.restrict_scalars.normed_space_orig
- semimodule.restrict_scalars.normed_space
- bounded_continuous_function.normed_space
- continuous_linear_map.to_normed_space
- continuous_linear_map.normed_space_extend_scalars
- continuous_multilinear_map.to_normed_space
- complex.continuous_linear_map.real_smul_complex
- normed_space.dual.inst
- enorm.normed_space
- pi_Lp.normed_space
- measure_theory.l1.normed_space
If there is a scalar c
with ∥c∥>1
, then any element can be moved by scalar multiplication to
any shell of width ∥c∥
. Also recap information on the norm of the rescaling element that shows
up in applications.
The product of two normed spaces is a normed space, with the sup norm.
- prod.normed_space = {to_semimodule := {to_distrib_mul_action := {to_mul_action := distrib_mul_action.to_mul_action semimodule.to_distrib_mul_action, smul_add := _, smul_zero := _}, add_smul := _, zero_smul := _}, norm_smul_le := _}
The product of finitely many normed spaces is a normed space, with the sup norm.
- pi.normed_space = {to_semimodule := pi.semimodule ι (λ (i : ι), E i) α (λ (i : ι), normed_space.to_semimodule), norm_smul_le := _}
A subspace of a normed space is also a normed space, with the restriction of the norm.
- s.normed_space = {to_semimodule := s.semimodule, norm_smul_le := _}
A normed algebra 𝕜'
over 𝕜
is an algebra endowed with a norm for which the embedding of
in 𝕜'
is an isometry.
- 𝕜 = {to_algebra := {to_has_scalar := algebra.to_has_scalar ( 𝕜), to_ring_hom := algebra.to_ring_hom ( 𝕜), commutes' := _, smul_def' := _}, norm_algebra_map_eq := _}
-normed space structure induced by a 𝕜'
-normed space structure when 𝕜'
is a
normed algebra over 𝕜
. Not registered as an instance as 𝕜'
can not be inferred.
The type synonym semimodule.restrict_scalars 𝕜 𝕜' E
will be endowed with this instance by default.
- normed_space.restrict_scalars' 𝕜 𝕜' E = {to_semimodule := {to_distrib_mul_action := semimodule.to_distrib_mul_action (semimodule.restrict_scalars' 𝕜 𝕜' E), add_smul := _, zero_smul := _}, norm_smul_le := _}
If a function f
is summable in norm, and along some sequence of finsets exhausting the space
its sum is converging to a limit a
, then this holds along all finsets, i.e., f
is summable
with sum a
If ∑' i, ∥f i∥
is summable, then ∥(∑' i, f i)∥ ≤ (∑' i, ∥f i∥)
. Note that we do not assume
that ∑' i, f i
is summable, and it might not be the case if α
is not a complete space.
The direct comparison test for series: if the norm of f
is bounded by a real function g
which is summable, then f
is summable.
Quantitative result associated to the direct comparison test for series: If ∑' i, g i
summable, and for all i
, ∥f i∥ ≤ g i
, then ∥(∑' i, f i)∥ ≤ (∑' i, g i)
. Note that we do not
assume that ∑' i, f i
is summable, and it might not be the case if α
is not a complete space.
Variant of the direct comparison test for series: if the norm of f
is eventually bounded by a
real function g
which is summable, then f
is summable.