mathlib documentation



Linear maps and matrices

This file defines the maps to send matrices to a linear map, and to send linear maps between modules with a finite bases to matrices. This defines a linear equivalence between linear maps between finite-dimensional vector spaces and matrices indexed by the respective bases.

Some results are proved about the linear map corresponding to a diagonal matrix (range, ker and rank).

Main definitions

to_lin, to_matrix, linear_equiv_matrix


linear_map, matrix, linear_equiv, diagonal

def matrix.​fintype {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] [decidable_eq m] [decidable_eq n] (R : Type u_1) [fintype R] :
fintype (matrix m n R)

def matrix.​eval {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] :
matrix m n R →ₗ[R] (n → R) →ₗ[R] m → R

Evaluation of matrices gives a linear map from matrix m n R to linear maps (n → R) →ₗ[R] (m → R).

def matrix.​to_lin {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] :
matrix m n R((n → R) →ₗ[R] m → R)

Evaluation of matrices gives a map from matrix m n R to linear maps (n → R) →ₗ[R] (m → R).

theorem matrix.​to_lin_of_equiv {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] {p : Type u_1} {q : Type u_4} [fintype p] [fintype q] (e₁ : m p) (e₂ : n q) (f : matrix p q R) :
matrix.to_lin (λ (i : m) (j : n), f (e₁ i) (e₂ j)) = ((linear_map.fun_congr_left R R e₂).arrow_congr (linear_map.fun_congr_left R R e₁)) f.to_lin

theorem matrix.​to_lin_add {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] (M N : matrix m n R) :
(M + N).to_lin = M.to_lin + N.to_lin

theorem matrix.​to_lin_zero {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] :
0.to_lin = 0

theorem matrix.​to_lin_neg {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] (M : matrix m n R) :

def matrix.​to_lin.​is_add_monoid_hom {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] :

theorem matrix.​to_lin_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] (M : matrix m n R) (v : n → R) :
(M.to_lin) v = M.mul_vec v

theorem matrix.​mul_to_lin {l : Type u_1} {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype l] [fintype m] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] (M : matrix m n R) (N : matrix n l R) :

theorem matrix.​to_lin_one {n : Type u_3} [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] [decidable_eq n] :

def linear_map.​to_matrixₗ {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] [decidable_eq n] :
((n → R) →ₗ[R] m → R) →ₗ[R] matrix m n R

The linear map from linear maps (n → R) →ₗ[R] (m → R) to matrix m n R.

def linear_map.​to_matrix {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] [decidable_eq n] :
((n → R) →ₗ[R] m → R)matrix m n R

The map from linear maps (n → R) →ₗ[R] (m → R) to matrix m n R.

theorem linear_map.​to_matrix_id {n : Type u_3} [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] [decidable_eq n] :

theorem linear_map.​to_matrix_of_equiv {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] {p : Type u_1} {q : Type u_4} [decidable_eq n] [decidable_eq q] [fintype p] [fintype q] (e₁ : m p) (e₂ : n q) (f : (q → R) →ₗ[R] p → R) (i : m) (j : n) :

theorem to_matrix_to_lin {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] [decidable_eq n] {f : (n → R) →ₗ[R] m → R} :

to_lin is the left inverse of to_matrix.

theorem to_lin_to_matrix {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] [decidable_eq n] {M : matrix m n R} :

to_lin is the right inverse of to_matrix.

def linear_equiv_matrix' {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] [decidable_eq n] :
((n → R) →ₗ[R] m → R) ≃ₗ[R] matrix m n R

Linear maps (n → R) →ₗ[R] (m → R) are linearly equivalent to matrix m n R.

theorem linear_equiv_matrix'_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] [decidable_eq n] (f : (n → R) →ₗ[R] m → R) :

def linear_equiv_matrix {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] {ι : Type u_4} {κ : Type u_5} {M₁ : Type u_6} {M₂ : Type u_7} [add_comm_group M₁] [module R M₁] [add_comm_group M₂] [module R M₂] [fintype ι] [decidable_eq ι] [fintype κ] {v₁ : ι → M₁} {v₂ : κ → M₂} :
is_basis R v₁is_basis R v₂((M₁ →ₗ[R] M₂) ≃ₗ[R] matrix κ ι R)

Given bases of two modules M₁ and M₂ over a commutative ring R, we get a linear equivalence between linear maps M₁ →ₗ M₂ and matrices over R indexed by the bases.

theorem linear_equiv_matrix_apply {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] {ι : Type u_4} {κ : Type u_5} {M₁ : Type u_6} {M₂ : Type u_7} [add_comm_group M₁] [module R M₁] [add_comm_group M₂] [module R M₂] [fintype ι] [decidable_eq ι] [fintype κ] {v₁ : ι → M₁} {v₂ : κ → M₂} (hv₁ : is_basis R v₁) (hv₂ : is_basis R v₂) (f : M₁ →ₗ[R] M₂) (i : κ) (j : ι) :
(linear_equiv_matrix hv₁ hv₂) f i j = (equiv_fun_basis hv₂) (f (v₁ j)) i

theorem linear_equiv_matrix_apply' {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] {ι : Type u_4} {κ : Type u_5} {M₁ : Type u_6} {M₂ : Type u_7} [add_comm_group M₁] [module R M₁] [add_comm_group M₂] [module R M₂] [fintype ι] [decidable_eq ι] [fintype κ] {v₁ : ι → M₁} {v₂ : κ → M₂} (hv₁ : is_basis R v₁) (hv₂ : is_basis R v₂) (f : M₁ →ₗ[R] M₂) (i : κ) (j : ι) :
(linear_equiv_matrix hv₁ hv₂) f i j = ((hv₂.repr) (f (v₁ j))) i

theorem linear_equiv_matrix_id {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] {ι : Type u_4} {M₁ : Type u_6} [add_comm_group M₁] [module R M₁] [fintype ι] [decidable_eq ι] {v₁ : ι → M₁} (hv₁ : is_basis R v₁) :

theorem linear_equiv_matrix_symm_one {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] {ι : Type u_4} {M₁ : Type u_6} [add_comm_group M₁] [module R M₁] [fintype ι] [decidable_eq ι] {v₁ : ι → M₁} (hv₁ : is_basis R v₁) :

theorem linear_equiv_matrix_range {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] {ι : Type u_4} {κ : Type u_5} {M₁ : Type u_6} {M₂ : Type u_7} [add_comm_group M₁] [module R M₁] [add_comm_group M₂] [module R M₂] [fintype ι] [decidable_eq ι] [fintype κ] {v₁ : ι → M₁} {v₂ : κ → M₂} (hv₁ : is_basis R v₁) (hv₂ : is_basis R v₂) (f : M₁ →ₗ[R] M₂) (k : κ) (i : ι) :
(linear_equiv_matrix _ _) f v₂ k, _⟩ v₁ i, _⟩ = (linear_equiv_matrix hv₁ hv₂) f k i

theorem matrix.​comp_to_matrix_mul {l : Type u_1} {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype l] [fintype m] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] [decidable_eq l] [decidable_eq m] (f : (m → R) →ₗ[R] n → R) (g : (l → R) →ₗ[R] m → R) :

theorem matrix.​linear_equiv_matrix_comp {R : Type u_4} {ι : Type u_5} {κ : Type u_6} {μ : Type u_7} {M₁ : Type u_8} {M₂ : Type u_9} {M₃ : Type u_10} [comm_ring R] [add_comm_group M₁] [module R M₁] [add_comm_group M₂] [module R M₂] [add_comm_group M₃] [module R M₃] [fintype ι] [decidable_eq κ] [fintype κ] [fintype μ] {v₁ : ι → M₁} {v₂ : κ → M₂} {v₃ : μ → M₃} (hv₁ : is_basis R v₁) (hv₂ : is_basis R v₂) (hv₃ : is_basis R v₃) [decidable_eq ι] (f : M₂ →ₗ[R] M₃) (g : M₁ →ₗ[R] M₂) :
(linear_equiv_matrix hv₁ hv₃) (f.comp g) = ((linear_equiv_matrix hv₂ hv₃) f).mul ((linear_equiv_matrix hv₁ hv₂) g)

theorem matrix.​linear_equiv_matrix_mul {R : Type u_4} {ι : Type u_5} {M₁ : Type u_8} [comm_ring R] [add_comm_group M₁] [module R M₁] [fintype ι] {v₁ : ι → M₁} (hv₁ : is_basis R v₁) [decidable_eq ι] (f g : M₁ →ₗ[R] M₁) :
(linear_equiv_matrix hv₁ hv₁) (f * g) = (linear_equiv_matrix hv₁ hv₁) f * (linear_equiv_matrix hv₁ hv₁) g

theorem matrix.​linear_equiv_matrix_symm_mul {R : Type u_4} {ι : Type u_5} {κ : Type u_6} {μ : Type u_7} {M₁ : Type u_8} {M₂ : Type u_9} {M₃ : Type u_10} [comm_ring R] [add_comm_group M₁] [module R M₁] [add_comm_group M₂] [module R M₂] [add_comm_group M₃] [module R M₃] [fintype ι] [decidable_eq κ] [fintype κ] [fintype μ] {v₁ : ι → M₁} {v₂ : κ → M₂} {v₃ : μ → M₃} (hv₁ : is_basis R v₁) (hv₂ : is_basis R v₂) (hv₃ : is_basis R v₃) [decidable_eq μ] (A : matrix ι κ R) (B : matrix κ μ R) :
((linear_equiv_matrix hv₃ hv₁).symm) (A.mul B) = (((linear_equiv_matrix hv₂ hv₁).symm) A).comp (((linear_equiv_matrix hv₃ hv₂).symm) B)

theorem matrix.​linear_equiv.​is_unit_det {R : Type u_4} {ι : Type u_5} {M : Type u_6} {M' : Type u_7} [comm_ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M] [add_comm_group M'] [module R M'] [decidable_eq ι] [fintype ι] {v : ι → M} {v' : ι → M'} (f : M ≃ₗ[R] M') (hv : is_basis R v) (hv' : is_basis R v') :

def matrix.​linear_equiv.​of_is_unit_det {R : Type u_4} {ι : Type u_5} {M : Type u_6} {M' : Type u_7} [comm_ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M] [add_comm_group M'] [module R M'] [decidable_eq ι] [fintype ι] {v : ι → M} {v' : ι → M'} {f : M →ₗ[R] M'} {hv : is_basis R v} {hv' : is_basis R v'} :
is_unit ((linear_equiv_matrix hv hv') f).det(M ≃ₗ[R] M')

Builds a linear equivalence from a linear map whose determinant in some bases is a unit.

def matrix.​diag (n : Type u_3) [fintype n] (R : Type v) (M : Type w) [semiring R] [add_comm_monoid M] [semimodule R M] :
matrix n n M →ₗ[R] n → M

The diagonal of a square matrix.

theorem matrix.​diag_apply {n : Type u_3} [fintype n] {R : Type v} {M : Type w} [semiring R] [add_comm_monoid M] [semimodule R M] (A : matrix n n M) (i : n) :
(matrix.diag n R M) A i = A i i

theorem matrix.​diag_one {n : Type u_3} [fintype n] {R : Type v} [semiring R] [decidable_eq n] :
(matrix.diag n R R) 1 = λ (i : n), 1

theorem matrix.​diag_transpose {n : Type u_3} [fintype n] {R : Type v} {M : Type w} [semiring R] [add_comm_monoid M] [semimodule R M] (A : matrix n n M) :

def matrix.​trace (n : Type u_3) [fintype n] (R : Type v) (M : Type w) [semiring R] [add_comm_monoid M] [semimodule R M] :
matrix n n M →ₗ[R] M

The trace of a square matrix.

theorem matrix.​trace_diag {n : Type u_3} [fintype n] {R : Type v} {M : Type w} [semiring R] [add_comm_monoid M] [semimodule R M] (A : matrix n n M) :
(matrix.trace n R M) A = finset.univ.sum (λ (i : n), (matrix.diag n R M) A i)

theorem matrix.​trace_one {n : Type u_3} [fintype n] {R : Type v} [semiring R] [decidable_eq n] :

theorem matrix.​trace_transpose {n : Type u_3} [fintype n] {R : Type v} {M : Type w} [semiring R] [add_comm_monoid M] [semimodule R M] (A : matrix n n M) :

theorem matrix.​trace_transpose_mul {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [semiring R] (A : matrix m n R) (B : matrix n m R) :

theorem matrix.​trace_mul_comm {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {S : Type v} [comm_ring S] (A : matrix m n S) (B : matrix n m S) :
(matrix.trace n S S) (B.mul A) = (matrix.trace m S S) (A.mul B)

theorem matrix.​proj_diagonal {n : Type u_3} [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] [decidable_eq n] (i : n) (w : n → R) :

theorem matrix.​diagonal_comp_std_basis {n : Type u_3} [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] [decidable_eq n] (w : n → R) (i : n) :
(matrix.diagonal w).to_lin.comp (linear_map.std_basis R (λ (_x : n), R) i) = w i linear_map.std_basis R (λ (_x : n), R) i

theorem matrix.​diagonal_to_lin {n : Type u_3} [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] [decidable_eq n] (w : n → R) :

def matrix.​to_linear_equiv {n : Type u_3} [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] [decidable_eq n] (P : matrix n n R) :
is_unit P((n → R) ≃ₗ[R] n → R)

An invertible matrix yields a linear equivalence from the free module to itself.

theorem matrix.​to_linear_equiv_apply {n : Type u_3} [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] [decidable_eq n] (P : matrix n n R) (h : is_unit P) :

theorem matrix.​to_linear_equiv_symm_apply {n : Type u_3} [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] [decidable_eq n] (P : matrix n n R) (h : is_unit P) :

theorem matrix.​rank_vec_mul_vec {K : Type u} [field K] {m n : Type u} [fintype m] [fintype n] (w : m → K) (v : n → K) :

theorem matrix.​ker_diagonal_to_lin {m : Type u_2} [fintype m] {K : Type u} [field K] [decidable_eq m] (w : m → K) :
(matrix.diagonal w).to_lin.ker = ⨆ (i : m) (H : i {i : m | w i = 0}), (linear_map.std_basis K (λ (i : m), K) i).range

theorem matrix.​range_diagonal {m : Type u_2} [fintype m] {K : Type u} [field K] [decidable_eq m] (w : m → K) :
(matrix.diagonal w).to_lin.range = ⨆ (i : m) (H : i {i : m | w i 0}), (linear_map.std_basis K (λ (i : m), K) i).range

theorem matrix.​rank_diagonal {m : Type u_2} [fintype m] {K : Type u} [field K] [decidable_eq m] [decidable_eq K] (w : m → K) :

def matrix.​finite_dimensional {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [field R] :

theorem matrix.​findim_matrix {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [field R] :

The dimension of the space of finite dimensional matrices is the product of the number of rows and columns.

def matrix.​reindex {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {m' : Type u_5} {n' : Type u_6} [fintype m'] [fintype n'] {R : Type v} :
m m'n n'matrix m n R matrix m' n' R

The natural map that reindexes a matrix's rows and columns with equivalent types is an equivalence.

theorem matrix.​reindex_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {m' : Type u_5} {n' : Type u_6} [fintype m'] [fintype n'] {R : Type v} (eₘ : m m') (eₙ : n n') (M : matrix m n R) :
(matrix.reindex eₘ eₙ) M = λ (i : m') (j : n'), M ((eₘ.symm) i) ((eₙ.symm) j)

theorem matrix.​reindex_symm_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {m' : Type u_5} {n' : Type u_6} [fintype m'] [fintype n'] {R : Type v} (eₘ : m m') (eₙ : n n') (M : matrix m' n' R) :
((matrix.reindex eₘ eₙ).symm) M = λ (i : m) (j : n), M (eₘ i) (eₙ j)

def matrix.​reindex_linear_equiv {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {m' : Type u_5} {n' : Type u_6} [fintype m'] [fintype n'] {R : Type v} [semiring R] :
m m'n n'(matrix m n R ≃ₗ[R] matrix m' n' R)

The natural map that reindexes a matrix's rows and columns with equivalent types is a linear equivalence.

theorem matrix.​reindex_linear_equiv_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {m' : Type u_5} {n' : Type u_6} [fintype m'] [fintype n'] {R : Type v} [semiring R] (eₘ : m m') (eₙ : n n') (M : matrix m n R) :
(matrix.reindex_linear_equiv eₘ eₙ) M = λ (i : m') (j : n'), M ((eₘ.symm) i) ((eₙ.symm) j)

theorem matrix.​reindex_linear_equiv_symm_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {m' : Type u_5} {n' : Type u_6} [fintype m'] [fintype n'] {R : Type v} [semiring R] (eₘ : m m') (eₙ : n n') (M : matrix m' n' R) :
((matrix.reindex_linear_equiv eₘ eₙ).symm) M = λ (i : m) (j : n), M (eₘ i) (eₙ j)

theorem matrix.​reindex_mul {l : Type u_1} {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype l] [fintype m] [fintype n] {l' : Type u_4} {m' : Type u_5} {n' : Type u_6} [fintype l'] [fintype m'] [fintype n'] {R : Type v} [semiring R] (eₘ : m m') (eₙ : n n') (eₗ : l l') (M : matrix m n R) (N : matrix n l R) :

def matrix.​reindex_alg_equiv {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_semiring R] [decidable_eq m] [decidable_eq n] :
m n(matrix m m R ≃ₐ[R] matrix n n R)

For square matrices, the natural map that reindexes a matrix's rows and columns with equivalent types is an equivalence of algebras.

theorem matrix.​reindex_alg_equiv_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_semiring R] [decidable_eq m] [decidable_eq n] (e : m n) (M : matrix m m R) :
(matrix.reindex_alg_equiv e) M = λ (i j : n), M ((e.symm) i) ((e.symm) j)

theorem matrix.​reindex_alg_equiv_symm_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_semiring R] [decidable_eq m] [decidable_eq n] (e : m n) (M : matrix n n R) :
((matrix.reindex_alg_equiv e).symm) M = λ (i j : m), M (e i) (e j)

theorem matrix.​reindex_transpose {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} [fintype m] [fintype n] {m' : Type u_5} {n' : Type u_6} [fintype m'] [fintype n'] {R : Type v} (eₘ : m m') (eₙ : n n') (M : matrix m n R) :

def linear_map.​trace_aux (R : Type u) [comm_ring R] {M : Type v} [add_comm_group M] [module R M] {ι : Type w} [decidable_eq ι] [fintype ι] {b : ι → M} :
is_basis R b((M →ₗ[R] M) →ₗ[R] R)

The trace of an endomorphism given a basis.

theorem linear_map.​trace_aux_def (R : Type u) [comm_ring R] {M : Type v} [add_comm_group M] [module R M] {ι : Type w} [decidable_eq ι] [fintype ι] {b : ι → M} (hb : is_basis R b) (f : M →ₗ[R] M) :

theorem linear_map.​trace_aux_eq' (R : Type u) [comm_ring R] {M : Type v} [add_comm_group M] [module R M] {ι : Type w} [decidable_eq ι] [fintype ι] {b : ι → M} (hb : is_basis R b) {κ : Type w} [decidable_eq κ] [fintype κ] {c : κ → M} (hc : is_basis R c) :

theorem linear_map.​trace_aux_range (R : Type u) [comm_ring R] {M : Type v} [add_comm_group M] [module R M] {ι : Type w} [fintype ι] {b : ι → M} (hb : is_basis R b) :

theorem linear_map.​trace_aux_eq (R : Type u) [comm_ring R] {M : Type v} [add_comm_group M] [module R M] {ι : Type u_1} [decidable_eq ι] [fintype ι] {b : ι → M} (hb : is_basis R b) {κ : Type u_2} [decidable_eq κ] [fintype κ] {c : κ → M} (hc : is_basis R c) :

where ι and κ can reside in different universes

def linear_map.​trace (R : Type u) [comm_ring R] (M : Type v) [add_comm_group M] [module R M] :
(M →ₗ[R] M) →ₗ[R] R

Trace of an endomorphism independent of basis.

theorem linear_map.​trace_eq_matrix_trace (R : Type u) [comm_ring R] {M : Type v} [add_comm_group M] [module R M] {ι : Type w} [fintype ι] {b : ι → M} (hb : is_basis R b) (f : M →ₗ[R] M) :

theorem linear_map.​trace_mul_comm (R : Type u) [comm_ring R] {M : Type v} [add_comm_group M] [module R M] (f g : M →ₗ[R] M) :
(linear_map.trace R M) (f * g) = (linear_map.trace R M) (g * f)

def alg_equiv_matrix' {n : Type u_3} [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] [decidable_eq n] :
module.End R (n → R) ≃ₐ[R] matrix n n R

The natural equivalence between linear endomorphisms of finite free modules and square matrices is compatible with the algebra structures.

def linear_equiv.​alg_conj {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] {M₁ : Type u_1} {M₂ : Type (max u_2 u_3)} [add_comm_group M₁] [module R M₁] [add_comm_group M₂] [module R M₂] :
(M₁ ≃ₗ[R] M₂)(module.End R M₁ ≃ₐ[R] module.End R M₂)

A linear equivalence of two modules induces an equivalence of algebras of their endomorphisms.

def alg_equiv_matrix {n : Type u_3} [fintype n] {R : Type v} {M : Type w} [comm_ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M] [decidable_eq n] {b : n → M} :
is_basis R b(module.End R M ≃ₐ[R] matrix n n R)

A basis of a module induces an equivalence of algebras from the endomorphisms of the module to square matrices.
