mathlib documentation



Dual vector spaces

The dual space of an R-module M is the R-module of linear maps M → R.

Main definitions

Main results


We sometimes use V' as local notation for dual K V.

def module.​dual.​inst (R : Type u_1) (M : Type u_2) [comm_ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M] :

def module.​dual.​add_comm_group (R : Type u_1) (M : Type u_2) [comm_ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M] :

def module.​dual (R : Type u_1) (M : Type u_2) [comm_ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M] :
Type (max u_2 u_1)

The dual space of an R-module M is the R-module of linear maps M → R.

def module.​dual.​inhabited (R : Type u_1) (M : Type u_2) [comm_ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M] :

def module.​dual.​has_coe_to_fun (R : Type u_1) (M : Type u_2) [comm_ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M] :

def module.​dual.​eval (R : Type u_1) (M : Type u_2) [comm_ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M] :

Maps a module M to the dual of the dual of M. See vector_space.erange_coe and vector_space.eval_equiv.

theorem module.​dual.​eval_apply (R : Type u_1) (M : Type u_2) [comm_ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M] (v : M) (a : module.dual R M) :

def is_basis.​to_dual {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] [de : decidable_eq ι] {B : ι → V} :
is_basis K B(V →ₗ[K] module.dual K V)

The linear map from a vector space equipped with basis to its dual vector space, taking basis elements to corresponding dual basis elements.

theorem is_basis.​to_dual_apply {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] [de : decidable_eq ι] {B : ι → V} (h : is_basis K B) (i j : ι) :
((h.to_dual) (B i)) (B j) = ite (i = j) 1 0

def is_basis.​to_dual_flip {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] [de : decidable_eq ι] {B : ι → V} :
is_basis K BV → (V →ₗ[K] K)

def is_basis.​eval_finsupp_at {K : Type u} {ι : Type w} [field K] :
ι → ((ι →₀ K) →ₗ[K] K)

Evaluation of finitely supported functions at a fixed point i, as a K-linear map.

def is_basis.​coord_fun {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] {B : ι → V} :
is_basis K Bι → (V →ₗ[K] K)

theorem is_basis.​coord_fun_eq_repr {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] {B : ι → V} (h : is_basis K B) (v : V) (i : ι) :
(h.coord_fun i) v = ((h.repr) v) i

theorem is_basis.​to_dual_swap_eq_to_dual {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] [de : decidable_eq ι] {B : ι → V} (h : is_basis K B) (v w : V) :
(h.to_dual_flip v) w = ((h.to_dual) w) v

theorem is_basis.​to_dual_eq_repr {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] [de : decidable_eq ι] {B : ι → V} (h : is_basis K B) (v : V) (i : ι) :
((h.to_dual) v) (B i) = ((h.repr) v) i

theorem is_basis.​to_dual_inj {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] [de : decidable_eq ι] {B : ι → V} (h : is_basis K B) (v : V) :
(h.to_dual) v = 0v = 0

theorem is_basis.​to_dual_ker {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] [de : decidable_eq ι] {B : ι → V} (h : is_basis K B) :

theorem is_basis.​to_dual_range {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] [de : decidable_eq ι] {B : ι → V} (h : is_basis K B) [fin : fintype ι] :

def is_basis.​dual_basis {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] [de : decidable_eq ι] {B : ι → V} :
is_basis K Bι → module.dual K V

Maps a basis for V to a basis for the dual space.

theorem is_basis.​dual_lin_independent {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] [de : decidable_eq ι] {B : ι → V} (h : is_basis K B) :

def is_basis.​to_dual_equiv {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] [de : decidable_eq ι] {B : ι → V} (h : is_basis K B) [fintype ι] :

A vector space is linearly equivalent to its dual space.

theorem is_basis.​dual_basis_is_basis {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] [de : decidable_eq ι] {B : ι → V} (h : is_basis K B) [fintype ι] :

theorem is_basis.​to_dual_to_dual {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] [de : decidable_eq ι] {B : ι → V} (h : is_basis K B) [fintype ι] :

theorem is_basis.​dual_dim_eq {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] {B : ι → V} (h : is_basis K B) [fintype ι] :

theorem vector_space.​eval_ker {K : Type u} {V : Type v} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] :

def vector_space.​eval_equiv {K : Type u} {V : Type v} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] :

A vector space is linearly equivalent to the dual of its dual space.

structure dual_pair {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [decidable_eq ι] [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] :
(ι → V)(ι → module.dual K V)Type (max v w)
  • eval : ∀ (i j : ι), (ε i) (e j) = ite (i = j) 1 0
  • total : ∀ {v : V}, (∀ (i : ι), (ε i) v = 0)v = 0
  • finite : Π (v : V), fintype {i : ι | (ε i) v 0}

e and ε have characteristic properties of a basis and its dual

def dual_pair.​coeffs {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [dι : decidable_eq ι] [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] {e : ι → V} {ε : ι → module.dual K V} :
dual_pair e εV → ι →₀ K

The coefficients of v on the basis e

theorem dual_pair.​coeffs_apply {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [dι : decidable_eq ι] [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] {e : ι → V} {ε : ι → module.dual K V} (h : dual_pair e ε) (v : V) (i : ι) :
(h.coeffs v) i = (ε i) v

def dual_pair.​lc {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] :
(ι → V)→₀ K) → V

linear combinations of elements of e. This is a convenient abbreviation for _ V K e l

theorem dual_pair.​dual_lc {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [dι : decidable_eq ι] [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] {e : ι → V} {ε : ι → module.dual K V} (h : dual_pair e ε) (l : ι →₀ K) (i : ι) :
(ε i) ( e l) = l i

theorem dual_pair.​coeffs_lc {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [dι : decidable_eq ι] [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] {e : ι → V} {ε : ι → module.dual K V} (h : dual_pair e ε) (l : ι →₀ K) :

theorem dual_pair.​decomposition {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [dι : decidable_eq ι] [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] {e : ι → V} {ε : ι → module.dual K V} (h : dual_pair e ε) (v : V) :

For any v : V n, \sum_{p ∈ Q n} (ε p v) • e p = v

theorem dual_pair.​mem_of_mem_span {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [dι : decidable_eq ι] [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] {e : ι → V} {ε : ι → module.dual K V} (h : dual_pair e ε) {H : set ι} {x : V} (hmem : x submodule.span K (e '' H)) (i : ι) :
(ε i) x 0i H

theorem dual_pair.​is_basis {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [dι : decidable_eq ι] [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] {e : ι → V} {ε : ι → module.dual K V} :
dual_pair e εis_basis K e

theorem dual_pair.​eq_dual {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [dι : decidable_eq ι] [field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V] {e : ι → V} {ε : ι → module.dual K V} (h : dual_pair e ε) :