mathlib documentation



structure fintype  :
Type u_4Type u_4

fintype α means that α is finite, i.e. there are only finitely many distinct elements of type α. The evidence of this is a finset elems (a list up to permutation without duplicates), together with a proof that everything of type α is in the list.

def finset.​univ {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] :

univ is the universal finite set of type finset α implied from the assumption fintype α.

theorem finset.​mem_univ {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] (x : α) :

theorem finset.​mem_univ_val {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] (x : α) :

theorem finset.​coe_univ {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] :

theorem finset.​subset_univ {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] (s : finset α) :

theorem finset.​compl_eq_univ_sdiff {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (s : finset α) :

theorem finset.​eq_univ_iff_forall {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] {s : finset α} :
s = finset.univ ∀ (x : α), x s

theorem finset.​univ_inter {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (s : finset α) :

theorem finset.​inter_univ {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (s : finset α) :

theorem finset.​piecewise_univ {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] [Π (i : α), decidable (i finset.univ)] {δ : α → Sort u_2} (f g : Π (i : α), δ i) :

theorem finset.​univ_map_equiv_to_embedding {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [fintype α] [fintype β] (e : α β) :

def fintype.​decidable_pi_fintype {α : Type u_1} {β : α → Type u_2} [Π (a : α), decidable_eq (β a)] [fintype α] :
decidable_eq (Π (a : α), β a)

def fintype.​decidable_forall_fintype {α : Type u_1} {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p] [fintype α] :
decidable (∀ (a : α), p a)

def fintype.​decidable_exists_fintype {α : Type u_1} {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p] [fintype α] :
decidable (∃ (a : α), p a)

def fintype.​decidable_eq_equiv_fintype {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [decidable_eq β] [fintype α] :


def fintype.​decidable_left_inverse_fintype {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [decidable_eq α] [fintype α] (f : α → β) (g : β → α) :

def fintype.​decidable_right_inverse_fintype {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [decidable_eq β] [fintype β] (f : α → β) (g : β → α) :

def fintype.​of_multiset {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] (s : multiset α) :
(∀ (x : α), x s)fintype α

Construct a proof of fintype α from a universal multiset

def fintype.​of_list {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] (l : list α) :
(∀ (x : α), x l)fintype α

Construct a proof of fintype α from a universal list

theorem fintype.​exists_univ_list (α : Type u_1) [fintype α] :
∃ (l : list α), l.nodup ∀ (x : α), x l

def fintype.​card (α : Type u_1) [fintype α] :

card α is the number of elements in α, defined when α is a fintype.

def fintype.​equiv_fin_of_forall_mem_list {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] {l : list α} :
(∀ (x : α), x l)l.nodupα fin l.length

If l lists all the elements of α without duplicates, then α ≃ fin (l.length).

def fintype.​equiv_fin (α : Type u_1) [decidable_eq α] [fintype α] :

There is (computably) a bijection between α and fin n where n = card α. Since it is not unique, and depends on which permutation of the universe list is used, the bijection is wrapped in trunc to preserve computability.

theorem fintype.​exists_equiv_fin (α : Type u_1) [fintype α] :
∃ (n : ), nonempty fin n)

def fintype.​subsingleton (α : Type u_1) :

  • _ = _
  • _ = _
  • _ = _
def fintype.​subtype {α : Type u_1} {p : α → Prop} (s : finset α) :
(∀ (x : α), x s p x)fintype {x // p x}

theorem fintype.​subtype_card {α : Type u_1} {p : α → Prop} (s : finset α) (H : ∀ (x : α), x s p x) :
fintype.card {x // p x} = s.card

theorem fintype.​card_of_subtype {α : Type u_1} {p : α → Prop} (s : finset α) (H : ∀ (x : α), x s p x) [fintype {x // p x}] :
fintype.card {x // p x} = s.card

def fintype.​of_finset {α : Type u_1} {p : set α} (s : finset α) :
(∀ (x : α), x s x p)fintype p

Construct a fintype from a finset with the same elements.

theorem fintype.​card_of_finset {α : Type u_1} {p : set α} (s : finset α) (H : ∀ (x : α), x s x p) :

theorem fintype.​card_of_finset' {α : Type u_1} {p : set α} (s : finset α) (H : ∀ (x : α), x s x p) [fintype p] :

def fintype.​of_bijective {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [fintype α] (f : α → β) :

If f : α → β is a bijection and α is a fintype, then β is also a fintype.

def fintype.​of_surjective {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [decidable_eq β] [fintype α] (f : α → β) :

If f : α → β is a surjection and α is a fintype, then β is also a fintype.

def fintype.​of_injective {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [fintype β] (f : α → β) :

def fintype.​of_equiv {β : Type u_2} (α : Type u_1) [fintype α] :
α βfintype β

If f : α ≃ β and α is a fintype, then β is also a fintype.

theorem fintype.​of_equiv_card {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [fintype α] (f : α β) :

theorem fintype.​card_congr {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [fintype α] [fintype β] :
α βfintype.card α = fintype.card β

theorem fintype.​card_eq {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [F : fintype α] [G : fintype β] :

def fintype.​of_subsingleton {α : Type u_1} (a : α) [subsingleton α] :

theorem fintype.​univ_of_subsingleton {α : Type u_1} (a : α) [subsingleton α] :

theorem fintype.​card_of_subsingleton {α : Type u_1} (a : α) [subsingleton α] :

def set.​to_finset {α : Type u_1} (s : set α) [fintype s] :

Construct a finset enumerating a set s, given a fintype instance.

theorem set.​mem_to_finset {α : Type u_1} {s : set α} [fintype s] {a : α} :

theorem set.​mem_to_finset_val {α : Type u_1} {s : set α} [fintype s] {a : α} :

theorem set.​to_finset_card {α : Type u_1} (s : set α) [fintype s] :

theorem set.​coe_to_finset {α : Type u_1} (s : set α) [fintype s] :

theorem set.​to_finset_inj {α : Type u_1} {s t : set α} [fintype s] [fintype t] :

theorem finset.​card_univ {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] :

theorem finset.​card_le_univ {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] (s : finset α) :

theorem finset.​card_univ_diff {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] [fintype α] (s : finset α) :

theorem finset.​card_compl {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] [fintype α] (s : finset α) :

def fin.​fintype (n : ) :

theorem fintype.​card_fin (n : ) :

theorem finset.​card_fin (n : ) :

def unique.​fintype {α : Type u_1} [unique α] :

theorem univ_unique {α : Type u_1} [unique α] [f : fintype α] :





def additive.​fintype {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] :

def multiplicative.​fintype {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] :

def units.​fintype {α : Type u_1} [monoid α] [fintype α] :

def finset.​insert_none {α : Type u_1} :
finset αfinset (option α)

theorem finset.​mem_insert_none {α : Type u_1} {s : finset α} {o : option α} :
o s.insert_none ∀ (a : α), a oa s

theorem finset.​some_mem_insert_none {α : Type u_1} {s : finset α} {a : α} :

def option.​fintype {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] :

theorem fintype.​card_option {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] :

def sigma.​fintype {α : Type u_1} (β : α → Type u_2) [fintype α] [Π (a : α), fintype (β a)] :

theorem finset.​univ_sigma_univ {α : Type u_1} {β : α → Type u_2} [fintype α] [Π (a : α), fintype (β a)] :

def prod.​fintype (α : Type u_1) (β : Type u_2) [fintype α] [fintype β] :
fintype × β)

theorem fintype.​card_prod (α : Type u_1) (β : Type u_2) [fintype α] [fintype β] :

def fintype.​fintype_prod_left {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [decidable_eq α] [fintype × β)] [nonempty β] :

def fintype.​fintype_prod_right {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [decidable_eq β] [fintype × β)] [nonempty α] :

def ulift.​fintype (α : Type u_1) [fintype α] :

theorem fintype.​card_ulift (α : Type u_1) [fintype α] :

def sum.​fintype (α : Type u) (β : Type v) [fintype α] [fintype β] :
fintype β)

theorem fintype.​card_le_of_injective {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [fintype α] [fintype β] (f : α → β) :

theorem fintype.​card_eq_one_iff {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] :
fintype.card α = 1 ∃ (x : α), ∀ (y : α), y = x

theorem fintype.​card_eq_zero_iff {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] :
fintype.card α = 0 α → false

A fintype with cardinality zero is (constructively) equivalent to pempty.

theorem fintype.​card_pos_iff {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] :

theorem fintype.​card_le_one_iff {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] :
fintype.card α 1 ∀ (a b : α), a = b

theorem fintype.​exists_ne_of_one_lt_card {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] (h : 1 < fintype.card α) (a : α) :
∃ (b : α), b a

theorem fintype.​exists_pair_of_one_lt_card {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] :
1 < fintype.card α(∃ (a b : α), a b)

theorem fintype.​injective_iff_surjective {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] {f : α → α} :

theorem fintype.​injective_iff_bijective {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] {f : α → α} :

theorem fintype.​surjective_iff_bijective {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] {f : α → α} :

theorem fintype.​injective_iff_surjective_of_equiv {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [fintype α] {f : α → β} :

theorem fintype.​coe_image_univ {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [fintype α] [decidable_eq β] {f : α → β} :

def list.​subtype.​fintype {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] (l : list α) :
fintype {x // x l}

def multiset.​subtype.​fintype {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] (s : multiset α) :
fintype {x // x s}

def finset.​subtype.​fintype {α : Type u_1} (s : finset α) :
fintype {x // x s}

def finset_coe.​fintype {α : Type u_1} (s : finset α) :

theorem fintype.​card_coe {α : Type u_1} (s : finset α) :

theorem finset.​attach_eq_univ {α : Type u_1} {s : finset α} :

theorem finset.​card_le_one_iff {α : Type u_1} {s : finset α} :
s.card 1 ∀ {x y : α}, x sy sx = y

theorem finset.​card_le_one_of_subsingleton {α : Type u_1} [subsingleton α] (s : finset α) :
s.card 1

A finset of a subsingleton type has cardinality at most one.

theorem finset.​one_lt_card_iff {α : Type u_1} {s : finset α} :
1 < s.card ∃ (x y : α), x s y s x y

def plift.​fintype (p : Prop) [decidable p] :

def Prop.​fintype  :
fintype Prop

def subtype.​fintype {α : Type u_1} (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] [fintype α] :
fintype {x // p x}

def set_fintype {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] (s : set α) [decidable_pred s] :

def function.​embedding.​equiv_of_fintype_self_embedding {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] :
α)α α

An embedding from a fintype to itself can be promoted to an equivalence.

theorem finset.​univ_map_embedding {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] (e : α α) :

def fintype.​pi_finset {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] [fintype α] {δ : α → Type u_4} :
(Π (a : α), finset (δ a))finset (Π (a : α), δ a)

Given for all a : α a finset t a of δ a, then one can define the finset fintype.pi_finset t of all functions taking values in t a for all a. This is the analogue of finset.pi where the base finset is univ (but formally they are not the same, as there is an additional condition i ∈ finset.univ in the finset.pi definition).

theorem fintype.​mem_pi_finset {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] [fintype α] {δ : α → Type u_4} {t : Π (a : α), finset (δ a)} {f : Π (a : α), δ a} :
f fintype.pi_finset t ∀ (a : α), f a t a

theorem fintype.​pi_finset_subset {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] [fintype α] {δ : α → Type u_4} (t₁ t₂ : Π (a : α), finset (δ a)) :
(∀ (a : α), t₁ a t₂ a)fintype.pi_finset t₁ fintype.pi_finset t₂

theorem fintype.​pi_finset_disjoint_of_disjoint {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] [fintype α] {δ : α → Type u_4} [Π (a : α), decidable_eq (δ a)] (t₁ t₂ : Π (a : α), finset (δ a)) {a : α} :
disjoint (t₁ a) (t₂ a)disjoint (fintype.pi_finset t₁) (fintype.pi_finset t₂)


def pi.​fintype {α : Type u_1} {β : α → Type u_2} [decidable_eq α] [fintype α] [Π (a : α), fintype (β a)] :
fintype (Π (a : α), β a)

A dependent product of fintypes, indexed by a fintype, is a fintype.

theorem fintype.​pi_finset_univ {α : Type u_1} {β : α → Type u_2} [decidable_eq α] [fintype α] [Π (a : α), fintype (β a)] :

def d_array.​fintype {n : } {α : fin nType u_1} [Π (n : fin n), fintype (α n)] :

def array.​fintype {n : } {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] :
fintype (array n α)

def vector.​fintype {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] {n : } :

def finset.​fintype {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] :

theorem fintype.​card_finset {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] :

theorem set.​to_finset_univ {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] :

theorem set.​to_finset_empty {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] :

theorem fintype.​card_subtype_le {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] :

theorem fintype.​card_subtype_lt {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p] {x : α} :
¬p xfintype.card {x // p x} < fintype.card α

def psigma.​fintype {α : Type u_1} {β : α → Type u_2} [fintype α] [Π (a : α), fintype (β a)] :
fintype (Σ' (a : α), β a)

def psigma.​fintype_prop_left {α : Prop} {β : α → Type u_1} [decidable α] [Π (a : α), fintype (β a)] :
fintype (Σ' (a : α), β a)

def psigma.​fintype_prop_right {α : Type u_1} {β : α → Prop} [Π (a : α), decidable (β a)] [fintype α] :
fintype (Σ' (a : α), β a)

def psigma.​fintype_prop_prop {α : Prop} {β : α → Prop} [decidable α] [Π (a : α), decidable (β a)] :
fintype (Σ' (a : α), β a)

def set.​fintype {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] :

def pfun_fintype (p : Prop) [decidable p] (α : p → Type u_1) [Π (hp : p), fintype (α hp)] :
fintype (Π (hp : p), α hp)

theorem mem_image_univ_iff_mem_range {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [fintype α] [decidable_eq β] {f : α → β} {b : β} :

theorem card_lt_card_of_injective_of_not_mem {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [fintype α] [fintype β] (f : α → β) (h : function.injective f) {b : β} :

def quotient.​fin_choice_aux {ι : Type u_1} [decidable_eq ι] {α : ι → Type u_2} [S : Π (i : ι), setoid (α i)] (l : list ι) :
(Π (i : ι), i lquotient (S i))quotient pi_setoid

theorem quotient.​fin_choice_aux_eq {ι : Type u_1} [decidable_eq ι] {α : ι → Type u_2} [S : Π (i : ι), setoid (α i)] (l : list ι) (f : Π (i : ι), i lα i) :
quotient.fin_choice_aux l (λ (i : ι) (h : i l), f i h) = f

def quotient.​fin_choice {ι : Type u_1} [decidable_eq ι] [fintype ι] {α : ι → Type u_2} [S : Π (i : ι), setoid (α i)] :
(Π (i : ι), quotient (S i))quotient pi_setoid

theorem quotient.​fin_choice_eq {ι : Type u_1} [decidable_eq ι] [fintype ι] {α : ι → Type u_2} [Π (i : ι), setoid (α i)] (f : Π (i : ι), α i) :
quotient.fin_choice (λ (i : ι), f i) = f

def perms_of_list {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] :
list αlist (equiv.perm α)

theorem length_perms_of_list {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] (l : list α) :

theorem mem_perms_of_list_of_mem {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] {l : list α} {f : equiv.perm α} :
(∀ (x : α), f x xx l)f perms_of_list l

theorem mem_of_mem_perms_of_list {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] {l : list α} {f : equiv.perm α} (a : f perms_of_list l) {x : α} :
f x xx l

theorem mem_perms_of_list_iff {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] {l : list α} {f : equiv.perm α} :
f perms_of_list l ∀ {x : α}, f x xx l

theorem nodup_perms_of_list {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] {l : list α} :

def perms_of_finset {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] :

theorem mem_perms_of_finset_iff {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] {s : finset α} {f : equiv.perm α} :
f perms_of_finset s ∀ {x : α}, f x xx s

theorem card_perms_of_finset {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] (s : finset α) :

def equiv.​fintype {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β] [fintype α] [fintype β] :
fintype β)

theorem fintype.​card_perm {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] [fintype α] :

theorem fintype.​card_equiv {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β] [fintype α] [fintype β] :
α βfintype.card β) = (fintype.card α).fact

theorem univ_eq_singleton_of_card_one {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] (x : α) :

def fintype.​choose_x {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] [fintype α] (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] :
(∃! (a : α), p a){a // p a}

def fintype.​choose {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] [fintype α] (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] :
(∃! (a : α), p a) → α

theorem fintype.​choose_spec {α : Type u_1} [decidable_eq α] [fintype α] (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] (hp : ∃! (a : α), p a) :

def fintype.​bij_inv {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [decidable_eq α] [fintype α] [decidable_eq β] [fintype β] {f : α → β} :
function.bijective fβ → α

bij_inv fis the unique inverse to a bijectionf. This acts as a computable alternative tofunction.inv_fun`.

theorem fintype.​left_inverse_bij_inv {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [decidable_eq α] [fintype α] [decidable_eq β] [fintype β] {f : α → β} (f_bij : function.bijective f) :

theorem fintype.​right_inverse_bij_inv {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [decidable_eq α] [fintype α] [decidable_eq β] [fintype β] {f : α → β} (f_bij : function.bijective f) :

theorem fintype.​bijective_bij_inv {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [decidable_eq α] [fintype α] [decidable_eq β] [fintype β] {f : α → β} (f_bij : function.bijective f) :

theorem fintype.​well_founded_of_trans_of_irrefl {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] (r : α → α → Prop) [is_trans α r] [is_irrefl α r] :


structure infinite  :
Type u_4 → Prop

theorem not_nonempty_fintype {α : Type u_1} :

theorem infinite.​exists_not_mem_finset {α : Type u_1} [infinite α] (s : finset α) :
∃ (x : α), x s

def infinite.​nonempty (α : Type u_1) [infinite α] :

  • _ = _
theorem infinite.​of_injective {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [infinite β] (f : β → α) :

theorem infinite.​of_surjective {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [infinite β] (f : α → β) :

def infinite.​nat_embedding (α : Type u_1) [infinite α] :

Embedding of into an infinite type.

theorem infinite.​exists_subset_card_eq (α : Type u_1) [infinite α] (n : ) :
∃ (s : finset α), s.card = n

theorem not_injective_infinite_fintype {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [infinite α] [fintype β] (f : α → β) :

theorem not_surjective_fintype_infinite {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [fintype α] [infinite β] (f : α → β) :



def trunc_of_multiset_exists_mem {α : Type u_1} (s : multiset α) :
(∃ (x : α), x s)trunc α

For s : multiset α, we can lift the existential statement that ∃ x, x ∈ s to a trunc α.

def trunc_of_nonempty_fintype (α : Type u_1) [nonempty α] [fintype α] :

A nonempty fintype constructively contains an element.

def trunc_of_card_pos {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] :
0 < fintype.card αtrunc α

A fintype with positive cardinality constructively contains an element.

def trunc_sigma_of_exists {α : Type u_1} [fintype α] {P : α → Prop} [decidable_pred P] :
(∃ (a : α), P a)trunc (Σ' (a : α), P a)

By iterating over the elements of a fintype, we can lift an existential statement ∃ a, P a to trunc (Σ' a, P a), containing data.
