mathlib documentation



(Impl) The natural transformation used to define the new cone


(Impl) The natural transformation given by the algebra structure maps, used to construct a cocone c with apex colimit (D ⋙ forget T).


(Impl) A cocone for the diagram (D ⋙ forget T) ⋙ T found by composing the natural transformation γ with the colimiting cocone for D ⋙ forget T.


(Impl) Define the map λ : TL ⟶ L, which will serve as the structure of the coalgebra on L, and we will show is the colimiting object. We use the cocone constructed by c and the fact that T preserves colimits to produce this morphism.


(Impl) Construct the colimiting algebra from the map λ : TL ⟶ L given by lambda. We are required to show it satisfies the two algebra laws, which follow from the algebra laws for the image of D and our commuting lemma.
